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Rock Redemption (Rock Revenge Trilogy 3)

Page 37

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“Nope. Who’s driving it?”


“God, we’re gonna die.” Nick put his head between his knees.

“No, you could say that if your buddy was driving. Me? I’ve been in the air more than I’ve been on the ground, pal.” He got out of the front driver’s side and slammed the door.

Simon jumped out and followed him to the wicked looking chopper. It wasn’t a tiny personal type. Was it Donovan’s? Or just whatever money could buy for a few hours?

He didn’t fucking care as long as he got to Margo.

Before he could even climb in, Aidan was clicking buttons and doing some sort of check-in. Nick scrambled into the chopper behind him and went right for the harness seatbelt. Within a few minutes, they were all strapped in and lifting off.

His stomach went into his fucking throat as they pulled up off the dry as dust airfield to the sky. As many years as they’d been touring, as many stunts as they’d pulled over the years, a plane was about as exciting as they got in their travels. This wasn’t exactly the way he wanted to experience his first chopper ride.

Nor Margo’s.

He pulled the headphones over his ears when Aidan nodded to him. He handed a set to Nick, but he shook his head.

They banked over the crammed highways while Simon said a fervent prayer that the trip would be fast.

Nick white-knuckled the entire ride, with his eyes tightly shut.

Aidan’s voice through the headphones cut through the white noise of speed. “We’re landing fairly close to the clinic. At least as close as I could get us. There will be a truck waiting for us.”

Simon wasn’t sure how to talk back to him, so just gave him a thumbs up in response.

The ride was endless. At least it felt like it to him. The green of California turned to desert the closer they got to the Nevada border. Heat blasted into the dark cockpit and sweat soaked his back. The rushing view churned his stomach and he followed Nick’s lead by shutting his eyes.

He wasn’t sure which was worse. Watching the world rush by or closing in on himself to hear that fearful tone in his mind. His brave, strong Margo with a shaky voice had nearly killed him.

Add in his mother’s blank stare as she shot two men?

Sweet fuck.

He’d come from monsters. He hadn’t wanted to believe Ian when he’d explained just how obsessed their mother was with him. If she was so focused on him, then why did she leave him alone for most of his life?

That wasn’t obsession.

That was fixation without fact. She didn’t know a goddamn thing about him. Nor would she. She had the money and now she was gone. He had to live with watching her kill two men, but oddly, there wasn’t much remorse inside him for them.

They’d chosen their path.

Jerry with his greed and Dolph? Well, if he was a gun for hire, he knew what he was getting into. How many people had he killed for Jerry? Or for others?

No, Simon wouldn’t lose sleep on that.

Not when they hurt his woman. His baby?

God, he hoped Margo was right—that their baby was okay too.

Their lemon drop couldn’t be taken away by his mother.

Simon opened his eyes to Nick’s staring eyes. Instead of showing fear, he was leaning against the window to watch the desert whip by.

Simon’s eyebrow arched as he shook his head. His weird life.

Aidan’s voice boomed through his headphones. “Ten minutes.”

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