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Rock Redemption (Rock Revenge Trilogy 3)

Page 38

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The longest ten minutes of his life.

There was chatter between Aidan and some sort of tower as he got permission to land and call signs were given. All the things he didn’t understand, but knew it meant he was one step closer to getting his girl.

Landing was a bit dicier than their takeoff. The headwinds were giving Aidan trouble or something. Nick was a nice shade of green by the time they set down. He tugged off the harness and crouched close to the door.

“Hold up,” Aidan barked.

Simon flipped back his belt and crowded Nick at the door. The blades above the damn helicopter didn’t seem to ever stop fucking beating. Finally, they slowed and Aidan gave the all clear. They both jumped down and Nick actually touched the ground.

“Gonna kiss it?”

“Maybe.” Nick glanced up at him and stood up. “Only for you, man.”

Simon gave him a half smile and slapped his arm. “Thanks, Nicky.”

“Yeah.” His voice was little more than a grunt.

A black SUV pulled up at the edge of the small airstrip. Did rich dudes have access to these things at all times? Maybe if they were as rich as Donovan fucking Lewis. He’d thought he was rich until today.

Until he saw just how much he could have lost if he didn’t have these connections. Hours? Days to get to her with the added red tape of the police?

He didn’t want to think about it. Couldn’t.

Margo was his only focus right now.

The drive into the shitty little town on the outskirts of the Vegas strip seemed to take longer than the damn chopper ride. Nick was unusually quiet through the entire drive, but Simon was glad. He didn’t have the mental fortitude to try to make small talk. Jus

t knowing Nicky was there next to him was enough.

Aidan made a left hand turn and the downtrodden street could have been in Carson. They’d left her here? Alone?

Just left her?

Rage raced up his spine and he fisted his hands at his sides. Right outside the car window, the cracked and half buzzing sign for a motel with an actual drug deal going on beneath it chilled him to the bone.

She could have been killed. Attacked again—even more so than her previous kidnapping.

“Jesus Christ,” Nick muttered.

Simon swiveled away from his own view of the street hustle to see a man with a gun on the corner outside Nick’s window.

Aidan cleared his throat. “Guys, we’re parking around the back to get inside the clinic.”

“Could we maybe do that before this guy shoots the other in a bad deal?”

Aidan glanced toward Nick’s side of the car. “For fuck’s sake.”

“Yeah.” Nick crunched down in his seat. “Didn’t we get away from this shit?”

They had crawled out of Carson, hoping to never see it again. This entire situation reminded Simon just how far he’d come. And how much he’d never take it for granted again.

Before Aidan turned off the SUV, Simon had the door open.

“Simon, wait.”

He ignored Nick’s plea and rushed inside the squat building. His only focus was Margo.

The little clinic was surprisingly clean. The chairs were filled with patients, including one crying child, but the place seemed to be running relatively smoothly for such a shitty section of town. The woman running the front desk certainly had a lot to do with it. She smiled when Simon came through the doors, but quickly, her demeanor changed.

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