Rock Redemption (Rock Revenge Trilogy 3) - Page 47

“It was as awful as you think. Wrists, ankles. Not painfully, if I didn’t move much. But it was hard staying still and the room was pitch black. I didn’t feel good from the accident and I was hungry and scared shitless. But somehow it was almost worse when Simon’s mother came. She looks just like him.” Margo swallowed hard. “Just like Ian. All three of them are like creepy dolls manufactured in the same perfect image.”

Lila’s soft laughter surprised Margo into opening her eyes. And somehow she managed to laugh too.

“Don’t let your husband hear you say that. I think Mr. Narcissist Rockstar Model might get offended.”

Margo brushed her hair away from her face, the line from the IV a tactile reminder of exactly where she was. And why. “Simon is far from creepy. He’s the most gorgeous guy I’ve ever seen. And Ian’s right behind him. It’s just they’re spitting images of her. I’ve never seen such close reproductions from a parent to her children in all my life.”

“Wait until you see what your baby looks like. You may discover the line continues. Strong DNA.” Lila’s eyes were still wet, but mirth sparkled underneath the tears.

“Now I’m thinking about those nesting dolls and getting the heebie-jeebies.” She shuddered again. “Simon and Ian may not be creepy, but their mother? Jesus. I don’t have words enough to describe her. She’s obsessed with Simon.”

Lila nodded gravely. “From what I’ve heard, that is probably what saved your life.”

Margo bit her lip. Part of her wanted to demand answers. The rest had deduced enough on her own. Simon had answered a few of her questions. The most important ones, like was his mother still alive.

She was. Others were not, like the men who’d wanted to hurt her.

To hurt them.

But she didn’t want to think any more about her brush with death. Not now. Not today.

She wanted to think about living.

“Simon and I didn’t want children. You know that. It wasn’t in our plans. We have no clue how to raise a baby. I mean, Simon himself was pretty much a child until I came along. That he was fully grown doesn’t change facts.”

“Most adult males are still children. Adult male rockstars are even worse.”

“True enough. When I found out I was pregnant, I didn’t know what to think. I was scared he wouldn’t want it. Not because he wouldn’t try. But his past was so fucked up. As fucked up as mine was, his made it look like a parade every single day with ponies and balloons.”

“Yes. You know Nick was the same. Part of why they bonded so strongly. That horrible background they endured shaped them, but it didn’t define them. Somehow they still grew into the men we love.”

“Yes.” Margo smiled until the wetness in her eyes dissipated. “But he does want the baby. He wants it so much. Just as I do. And when I thought I might lose him or her—”

“Shh.” Lila stood and wrapped her arms around Margo. “You know you don’t have to explain anything to me. I had the same worries about Nick. And shock of all shocks, he ended up not even only wanting our girls, but wanting more. Ones I may not be able to have.” Lila eased back and smiled, but there was no missing the tightness around her eyes. “So, you never know. Simon may want a houseful.”

“No, on that score, we’re agreed. This is our one. We’re so happy about the baby, but just…one.” Margo squeezed Li’s hand. “What do you mean you may not be able to have them?”

“This isn’t about me.”

“Right, because I haven’t talked about myself for a lifetime and a half lately. God forbid I’m distracted for even a second.”

Lila sighed and sat back on the stool, her fingers still laced with Margo’s. “I’m probably just worrying for nothing. Actually, I wondered if you already knew. If that’s why you didn’t tell me you were pregnant.”

“Knew what? I didn’t know anything. We didn’t tell anyone about the baby yet because we had the tour and—”

“And that’s even worse. Seriously, do you think I put the band over a child?”

Margo couldn’t help laughing. “At times, I’ve been sure you’d put the band over your own life, never mind a child.”

Lila shook her head, but she laughed too. “Okay, yes, I’m rather militant when it comes to the band. I admit it. But I’d never put a tour schedule above your pregnancy. Things can always be renegotiated. Besides, it’s not like I don’t have plenty of practice juggling schedules around babies when it comes to this band. Hell, all of my bands. That’s just life, isn’t it?” Her laughter subsided. “I wish I had the same problem myself right now. Just not six months of twin-induced bedrest, please. But one lovely baby? That would be perfect.”

Margo shifted toward her best friend and winced as pain shot up her hip. Overall, she felt mostly okay, minus a few random aches and pains. Except every now and then that random one slashed through her like a blade.

Right now, that mattered not at all.

“I didn’t know anything, I swear. I didn’t not tell you to spare your feelings, though I have to admit it would have occurred to me if I had known. I’m so sorry, Li. I had no idea you were even trying.”

“Yes, and I can’t blame you for keeping secrets when I do the same.” Lila picked at a thread on Margo’s blanket. “It hasn’t even been all that long really.”

Tags: Cari Quinn Rock Revenge Trilogy Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024