Rock Redemption (Rock Revenge Trilogy 3) - Page 48

“How long?”

“Just since Christmas. It’s not as if it’s a daily practice either. Just every other daily usually.”

“Um, that much isn’t necessary for procreation. Also, I’m jealous.”

“It is still Nick we’re talking about. He likes his practice time too. And you have nothing to be jealous about, and we both know it.” Lila grinned. “Probably half of southern LA knows it too. That penthouse of yours isn’t soundproofed, is it?”

“Oh my God. The house.” Margo lifted her free hand to her mouth. “I was going to the house the day of the accident. We were—are going to buy it. But he h

asn’t even mentioned it, and with everything going on, I didn’t even think about it since I’ve been here.”

“A house? You two?” Lila let out a low whistle. “Okay, you definitely win in the keeping secrets category. Spill.”

“It was Simon’s idea. Once he knew I was pregnant, he started going all out. Buying the books and the nursery furniture and the whole nine yards. I think he stole one of Nick’s books though first.”

“Nicholas has plenty. He’s had on the job training for years now, so he can share. Aww, that’s so sweet. So much for him not wanting the baby, huh?”

“I know. He surprised me in all the best ways. Then he mentioned wanting a house. A real house for her to grow up in and—” Margo stopped and shook her head. “We both keep slipping and calling the baby her. I don’t know if it’s wishful thinking or a Freudian slip or what.”

“Sure there aren’t two hers in there? Absolutely positive?”

“You sound as if you’re channeling Nick now. That’s his kind of statement.”

“He does rub off.”

“Uh huh. No. There’s just one. I’m quite certain. Anyway, we did some looking around and this one place in Santa Monica stood out. It’s so perfect, Li. Not some cold and sterile place like my parents would pick out. It feels like a home. Like it could be our home.”

Saying nothing, Lila gripped her hand that much harder.

“It has a tree swing in back. Somehow I think that was one of the biggest selling points for both of us. Good school district, nice amenities, seems like decent neighbors, yadda, yadda. But that swing represented everything we didn’t have in our childhoods and want to give our kid.” Margo let out a long breath. “Sounds hokey, doesn’t it?”

“No, it sounds wonderful. It sounds as if your baby is so very loved, as he or she should be. And it sounds as if you both willed that baby to survive, no matter what was thrown at the two of you. You and the baby in this case, though it applies to you and Simon as well.”

Margo swallowed hard. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For being there. For calling me right before the accident—when I was on the way to look at our house one more time. As if I thought it’d disappear like a mirage. Along with thinking of Simon, I thought of you too. Imagined you being so utterly annoyed at this whole situation for getting everything off track, but ultimately, so cool and collected that you’d keep everything running smoothly. You’d always be level-headed, no matter what.”

“Oh, really? So, that’s why I hugged Simon and cried with him?”

“You didn’t.”

“I did. I think he was as shocked as you are right now. Probably more so. Hey, I only have one best friend. I’m also pretty sure she’s my only best friend ever, at least since I was making note of it.” Lila smiled and rubbed underneath her suddenly shiny eyes. “So, I get to cry when I’m scared for her.”

Margo sniffled. “Hell yes, you do. And you also get to hug me again.”

Lila rose and they clung to each other, laughing and crying and then laughing some more. They hung on even when the door opened.

“Margo? What’s wrong?” Simon rushed around the bed to her other side and forcibly pried her from Lila, who watched him with a mix of amusement and affection. “She’s crying,” he said to Lila, as if it was all her fault.

“Looks like they’re both crying.” Nicky came up behind Li and circled his arms around her waist. “I’m guessing they were just discussing how wonderful their husbands are and ways they can bring us untold pleasure. Serve your king, baby.”

Lila elbowed him so hard he coughed and laughed as he rubbed his ribs.

Margo had to laugh. Even Simon’s concerned expression tickled her funny bone, and that didn’t make sense. The poor guy had been through the wringer.

Crying with Lila. She still couldn’t wrap her head around that one.

Tags: Cari Quinn Rock Revenge Trilogy Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024