Shadowboxer (Tapped Out 1) - Page 51

Not damaged at all.

Still expecting him to keel over any moment, I glanced up and glimpsed his wide grin. The fucker.

“Just a flesh wound.”

He lifted his hand to my sweaty cheek and trailed his thumb down to my mouth. My pulse raged in my ears and I couldn’t take in enough air. I thought I’d stabbed him in the damn chest.

“Worried about me, baby?” he asked breathlessly, still grinning.

And I lost it.

I grabbed his Vinnie’s T-shirt in both hands, maybe to use it to strangle him with. Maybe to rip it off. Whatever my intention, it split just the same, the thin fabric rending with not a whole lot of effort on my part. I was strong, but this was a new level even for me.

Fox’s smile disappeared. “Uh, Mia—”

“Shut up.” Blind with fury, I stalked to the door he’d neglected to shut behind him and pushed it closed, then flipped the lock. I turned to find him right at my back, eyeing me with something way different than trepidation.

One thing I had to say about the guy—he caught on quick.

He didn’t have to reach for my jacket, because I was already yanking it off. My bra followed while he went for my jeans. He skipped the button and zipper entirely, shoving the baggy denim over my ass, then banded an arm under the back of my thighs to haul me right off my feet. I let out a startled squeal as his mouth descended on mine, hard as a bruise, almost violent in its intensity.

I welcomed every bit of his wildness. His deeply thrusting tongue, his punishing lips, the way his teeth clashed against mine. We fed on each other like animals. My hunger finally had an outlet and I sated it without thought.

Without warning, he carted me across the room and tossed me down, jarring my spine against my mattress. A giddy breath whooshed out of me. I’d never thought I would like to be manhandled again, not after I’d had my boundaries so ruthlessly violated years ago. Except this was different. He wasn’t being rough with me to bend me to his will, but because we both needed it that way.

He crawled across me like a big rangy panther and knelt between my splayed thighs while he struggled with his jeans.

“Need some help?” I leaned up on my elbows.

He swore and fumbled with his zipper. His hand shook, a nice counterpoint to my own full-body tremble. The only difference was that I was still trying to act cool and he was all heaving breath and clumsy fingers.

Somehow that unnerved me even more.

He got his jeans down and pulled out his wallet, unearthing a condom in record time. Then with his jeans still around his thighs, he rolled the latex over his erection and gripped my hips, pulling me forward. With one push, he surged into me right up to the hilt.

No hesitation. No foreplay. I didn’t need any. Apparently neither did he. He groaned and hiked my legs higher, flipping them up until they rested on his shoulders. Then he bent me, folding my body like I was an accordion, jamming my knees to my chest and pumping so deep I couldn’t stifle my cries. He slanted his mouth over mine and timed the thrusts of his tongue to those of his cock, finding the rhythm I needed as if he craved the same.

Hard. Cruel. Nothing held back.

He slammed into me again and again, our sweaty skin sliding together and chafing at the points of contact. Matching his strokes, I arched to accommodate the depth of penetration we both sought. Back aching, muscles burning, I twisted and turned into a damn pretzel to give him the room he required to take every inch of me. I couldn’t open my thighs wide enough. My lungs didn’t contain enough air to fuel the kisses I couldn’t stop.

He seized one of my hands and pinned it next to my head. But I wasn’t afraid. He wouldn’t hurt me. Or if he did, I’d love every minute.

His fingers wove with mine, a tangible anchor in the center of insanity. He used his other hand to squeeze and pluck at my breast. With a flex of his hips, he rubbed the base of his dick against me just right. Exactly right. The mattress nailed the wall again and again, springs squealing, wheels skidding over the floor. We were making so much noise. My sister flashed into my mind and disappeared as he let go of my breast to stab his fingers through my hair. Destroying the braid, streaking pain along my scalp.

I moaned, so turned on I couldn’t begin to quench the fire in my core. I didn’t know how to. I was right there with him, consumed by his strained features above me and the intense gleam in his eyes.

He bore down, plowing so deep that I think I blacked out for a minute. Ran out of oxygen, maybe. He clutched my hand, driving my knuckles into the bed, his breath a warm gust over my ear. It brought me back to reality against my will. God, that euphoric darkness was so intoxicating…

“How close are you?”

With one question, he nudged me even further toward the edge. Did he really care that much about making me come? Most guys I’d met hadn’t.

I’d been close when he slid inside me. Now I was trapped, dangling on both sides of the ledge, not going over either side. Stuck between frustration and bliss.

I reached down and touched myself without planning to. All I wanted was to soothe the ache.

He groaned. “Yes, baby, yes.”

Tags: Cari Quinn Tapped Out Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025