Shadowboxer (Tapped Out 1) - Page 118

“It feels like I’ve known you both forever.”

I didn’t argue, because I agreed. My life before he’d strolled into it seemed colorless and indistinct. My past was a dark, endless void I feared getting sucked back into more with every passing moment.

“Not only did I get her a gift, I got you one too.”

“Oh no. No more. Tray,” I protested softly.

“I missed your birthday.”

“Yeah, like three months ago.

Shrugging, he drew me closer as Carly grabbed Kizzy’s gift and ripped open the wrapping paper. She had a wine glass in her other hand, and I’d seen her sipping a lot over the last couple of hours. I didn’t want her to get drunk, but I also didn’t have the heart to ruin her good time.

Some guardian I was, contributing to the delinquency of an underage drinker.

“Oh yes. Just what I wanted.” Carly giggled and brandished a silver pan. “Penis cakes for everyone.”

“Jesus,” Tray muttered.

“They belong in every kitchen,” Kizzy announced, earning a round of laughter from Carly’s new gym friends and even Slater and Emerson.

Slater had been dancing with Carly all night, but they had a brother-and-sister vibe going. Besides, Tray said Slater had a live-in girlfriend. And he absolutely hadn’t looked at her like he wanted to swallow her whole, unlike some other people who were not at this party and wouldn’t be allowed near Carly for the next fifty years.

I’d expected her to demand that I invite Giovanni, but she hadn’t. Maybe Tray’s speech about what kind of man Costas was had actually affected her.

“Here’s mine.” Tray dug a box out of his pocket and held it out to Carly. “If you hate them, Slater helped me pick them out.”

“I have no fuckin’ clue what he’s talking about.” Slater grinned.

“You’re such a sweetheart.” She leaned forward and kissed Tray on the cheek with an easy familiarity I envied. She tucked a glossy red nail under the wrapping paper and dug out the blue velvet box inside, popping it open with a gasp. “Diamond earrings?”

“Let me see.” I shot a narrow-eyed glance at Tray, who blinked with feigned innocence.

“Oh my God, these are so gorgeous and perfect. Thank you!” My sister gave Tray a one-armed hug and then did the same to Slater before plopping down in his lap to pry out the earrings.

She put them on and shook back her hair as she grinned at me. Though I hadn’t gotten a good look at them yet, they sparkled from even a few feet away. “Sis, your man has excellent taste.”

“My man is in trouble.” I elbowed Tray in the stomach.

He laughed. “Does that mean you need to punish me?” he asked loud enough for everyone to hear. Including Carly, who giggled like she was completely trashed.

I made a face at him, which he took as an invitation for a kiss. His lips were warm and flavored with the berry wine we’d had with dinner. More laughter spilled around us as he licked his way between my lips, spreading warmth through my chest. Not desire—well, not only desire. Not embarrassment. Plain ol‘ happiness.

Carly sorted through the gifts from her friends, opening a couple of brightly colored boxes that contained fluffy sweaters, a pair of jeans, and even a rock band T-shirt from Slater. She dug through everything with a joyful smile until she held up a small box wrapped in ivory paper with a gilt-edged tag.

She frowned. “When did Aunt Patty send this?”


Carly hadn’t spoken much to Aunt Patty after she’d fled her house with little warning, so I’d been surprised and pleased when I’d found her gift in the mail. I had a distant relationship with our dad’s sister, but I didn’t want the same for Carly. Hopefully they’d find their way back to each other.

She tore off the paper and unearthed a delicate cross on a gold chain. And stared.

“It’s pretty, Car,” I offered quietly. Unable to help thinking that for some of us, maybe it was too late to repent. Maybe our chances of reclaiming our inner purity and holiness were gone.

If I’d ever had any to begin with.

Tags: Cari Quinn Tapped Out Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025