Shadowboxer (Tapped Out 1) - Page 119

“Too late there, right?” One of her new friends elbowed Carly and they shared a grin. I didn’t particularly like the gleam in their eyes. Maybe these girls weren’t the best influence.

Carly tucked the necklace back in the box and set it aside. Then she grabbed my present and shook it, smiling. “Did you get something tiny and fill the box with newspaper like you did when we were kids?”

“Open it and see.”

She peeled off the paper, laughing as the tape stuck to her fingers. Then she pulled off the lid and went still. “Oh man. No way.” She pulled out the purple boots, her eyes filling. “God, Ame. I love you.” She shoved the box aside and ran over to me, dragging me off Tray’s lap with a sniffly laugh. “You’re the best sister ever.”

“If you so much as scuff them, I’ll kick your ass.” I grinned and hugged her back.

“Oooh, you got Uggs?” One of her friends squealed, drawing Carly back to her boots.

I perched on the arm of Tray’s chair for all of five seconds before he pulled me back down on his lap. “Fluffy purple boots,” he murmured. “Softie.”

“She wanted them.” I shrugged and fought not to squirm. Already the telltale flush had started heating my cheeks.

He toyed with the buttons on my shirt, his lips curving in that seductive way that practically incinerated my panties. “I want something too.”

“Uh-huh.” I gave in to the urge to cuddle against his chest and breathed in deep to savor his cologne and my plain Jane soap on his skin. Sometimes the rightness of being in his arms overwhelmed my fear and all I could do was thank God, even if all of this ended tomorrow. My terror over that very eventuality helped me to never take him—or us—for granted.

I’d never stop being grateful that I’d been part of an us. That I’d known the pleasure of a first date where we had a fancy dinner in a place with real linen tablecloths and candlelight. That I’d held his hand while we waited in line to see a Sandra Bullock movie, and I’d noticed people staring at me with envy. I’d snagged the hottest guy. One who looked at me as if he lo—

No. That wasn’t the point. Cherishing the moment was. Just soaking myself in it until I couldn’t breathe from the fullness between my breasts

I closed my eyes, relishing the solid, strong feel of his long body under mine. Another snapshot for my memory banks. More fodder to keep me warm…after.

I’d grown to hate that word with a passion.

“Go ahead. I’m here,” he breathed against my temple.

For the first time in forever, I could trust someone to keep me safe. I didn’t have to keep watch, because he would. He’d never let me fall.

“Ame.” Carly nudged my shoulder. “Wake up.”

I blinked and lifted my head from Tray’s shoulder, glancing around at the party still in progress. “I fell asleep?” That never happened so easily. I was the type to toss and turn all night. Guess it depended what kind of pillow I had beneath me.

Speaking of pillows, I glanced at Tray, who was having a hushed conversation with Slater about whatever his buddy was doing on his phone.

“Apparently. You haven’t even been drinking much.” Carly hiccupped and held out her cell. “Aunt Patty wants to talk to you.”

I started to shake my head, but then I remembered I was supposed to be a responsible adult, not a rebellious kid who hid from any sort of parental interference. I accepted the phone and rose to take the call down the hall, away from the music and drunken laughter. Kizzy sounded like she’d inhaled her entire bottle of champagne singlehandedly.

“Okay. Thanks. Be right back,” I said to Tray.

He gave me a distracted nod and a smile.

Once I’d entered my dark bedroom, I sucked in a breath and leaned against the wall. “Hi, Aunt Patty. How are you?”

“Is Carly drunk?” she demanded.

So much for a pleasant conversation starter. “Uh, I let her have a little because it was her birthday.”

“A little? That girl sounds wasted. She’s eighteen, Amelia, not twenty-one like you.”

“I know that. It was a one-time thing.”

“What else are you letting her do? The noises around her sounded like an orgy.”

“She has a few friends over, that’s all. They’re all fully dressed, I swear.” At least they had been before I fell asleep.

Tags: Cari Quinn Tapped Out Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025