Knockout (Tapped Out 4) - Page 37

“Goddammit.” She fell against the tiled wall, shoulders heaving, back rising and falling in time with her panting breaths. “Holy shit.”

My back hit the wall beside her, and I fought to drag in air. Even the water needling my skin couldn’t cool me down. “You can say that again.”

“Can’t. Can’t…breathe.”

Still on his knees, Emerson licked his lips and grinned. Guess he didn’t mind getting a faceful of water. “So I suppose we should get cleaned up now, huh?”


“Dance with me.”

I glanced down at Lily, warmth blossoming through my chest at the joy in her eyes. Nothing could hide it—not the pink and purple strobe lights, not the dark corners where clubbers seemed to congregate. Her happiness was a real, tangible thing, as pervasive in the air as classy perfume and expensive liquor.

I took a sip of my beer before setting it down. “Sure.”

Limping a bit, I followed her into the mass of people gyrating in front of the stage where live acts played a few nights a week. Tonight, a DJ was in residence, and he was spinning hip hop music meant to make the crowd get on their feet.

From the decibel level and amount of bodies crushed together, so far it was working.

As if she were a heat-seeking missile, Lily aimed right for Jenna and her date Daniel and Carly and Giovanni. The four of them were dancing near each other, though Carly was more shuffling than anything else. Giovanni was smiling down at her, his arms looped securely around her waist as she leaned back to talk to Jenna over Daniel’s shoulder. Daniel kept shooting Carly the look, probably because he wanted to be alone with his date, but Carly was chattering away in spite of the loud music that made it nearly impossible to hear anything.

I leaned down to Lily. “She’s never quiet, is she?”

Lily shook her head, laughing softly. “She’s a whirlwind.”

“Speaking of whirlwinds…” I pressed my mouth to Lily’s ear under the pretense of talking but managed to add in a little lick. She shivered and I smiled. Knowing I had this effect on her was incredible after all the years I’d denied myself. “Where’s your better half?”

“He saw a friend and went to talk to him. He’ll be back soon.” She slipped her thumbs into my belt loops and drew me closer. Her hips circled against mine, teasing me into semi-hardness though I’d drained myself not long ago. “You were amazing tonight.”

I sure didn’t feel that way at the moment. Right now, I was as achy and stiff as a geriatric who’d skipped his arthritis pills. Even a fight where I’d dominated took its toll on my body.

“You too,” I murmured, biting her earlobe.

She laughed, shaking her head. Lily laughing was pretty much the best sound ever invented. “Not…that. I mean, the fight. You were so good.” She eased back a fraction, eyes shining. “Daddy’s right. You could go pro.”

The aches I carried diminished under her praise. How could they not? The girl I adored was staring up at me, her lips curved and her cheeks glowing, and she thought I was a good fighter. It didn’t matter that she rarely followed the fights. Hell, I wasn’t sure I wanted her around that kind of environment, anyway. All that counted was that she believed in me.

Even so, my first instinct was to deflect. “I’m not at that level yet. Maybe in a few years—”

JC came up behind Lily, swagger firmly in place. He had a shot in one hand and knocked it back in one swallow. “What’re we talking about?” he yelled over the music. With his free hand, he gripped her hip and pressed against her. “Because you’re surely not dancing.”

“We are so.” Lily rolled her eyes and leaned up to say near his ear, “We’re talking about Em going pro.

Don’t you think he could?”

“Absolutely. You were a beast out there tonight. Lubino’s probably wishing someone would put him out of his misery.”

I smiled and drew Lily closer, wondering if JC would hang in or back off. In spite of our situation, we weren’t telling the whole world we were together. But he moved in close to her back, dipping his head to kiss the top of her ear. He wasn’t being obvious about it. Still, anyone who looked long enough would learn our platonic date was anything but.

Combined with the sparks we’d been shooting off after our shower interlude, I was surprised there was anyone in the place who hadn’t figured out the score between us yet.

Just as well I mention my news to them now, right? Anything to distract them before our display turned into one of public lewdness.

“A guy showed up at the gym the other day.” I raised my voice to make sure they could hear me. “He’s one of the biggest promoters around. Some say if you get in with him, he has connections on the next level.”

“Oh my God, yay!” Lily leaned up to give me a smacking kiss, then glanced back at JC. “See, we knew it.”

“Holy shit, that’s amazing.” JC held out his fist and we bumped knuckles. “You’re going for it, right?”

Tags: Cari Quinn Tapped Out Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024