Christmas Ever After (Puffin Island 3) - Page 135


HI, ALEC, GREAT to see you again.

Should she kiss him, or not?

Yes, but maybe just a kiss on the cheek, as friends would.

On the other hand, was that weird given everything they’d been doing together for the past few weeks?

She tried not to feel disappointed that she hadn’t heard from him.

It had only been a few days. And he had no reason to contact her.

Hi, Alec. Merry Christmas. I hope all your Christmas-ses are white.

Well, of course they were going to be white. As long as he was living in Maine, there wasn’t much doubt about that.

Exasperated with herself and exhausted from contorting her face into a variety of happy smiles, Sky arrived at the airport in Boston and found Zach waiting for her.

“It’s Christmas morning. You’re not supposed to work on Christmas morning.” She kissed him and was surprised when he returned her hug.

“I only do special deliveries. Brit is with me. She’s in the plane. Emily would have come, too, but she’s cooking.”

“Of course she is.” Part of her was touched that Brit had come, too, but another part of her would have liked to use the time to further her plan of how she was going to greet Alec.

She’d been bracing herself to do this alone.

Was it better to do it in front of her friends, or worse?

Nerves fluttered in her stomach like a flurry of snowflakes dancing in the wind.

Should she kiss him? Cheek or mouth? What was appropriate for two people who had been intimate but not committed in any way? What was off-limits?

Hauling her bag over her shoulder, she followed Zach.

She was overthinking this. With the six of them, Agnes, Lizzy and two dogs it was going to be mayhem, and mayhem would mean Alec was less likely to notice any subtle differences in her interaction with him. Ironic, she thought, that this was the Christmas she’d dreamed of having for so long, and now it promised to be more stressful than anything she’d experienced with her family.

The weather was bitterly cold and she followed Zach up the steps of the plane and was immediately enveloped by warmth and a hug from Brittany.

“Merry Christmas.”

“You should be home playing with Jaws under the Christmas tree. You didn’t have to come.”

“I wanted to see you. I’ve been a crap friend.”

“You’re never a crap friend.”

Looking alarmed, Zach vanished to the cockpit.

“Yeah, I was.” Her voice husky, Brit pulled away. “I was so wrapped up in my own world, thinking about the camp, Philip, Zach—I didn’t pay attention. Do you forgive me?”

“There is nothing to forgive. How is Philip?”

“He’s doing well, thanks, but I don’t want to talk about him right now. The only person I want to talk about is you. I’m officially worried.”

“You don’t need to be. And I’m glad you’re busy and happy.” Sky stood for a minute, absorbing warmth and friendship.

Different, she thought, but no less genuine.

Tags: Sarah Morgan Puffin Island Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024