Single Father, Wife Needed - Page 15


‘You like Evanna’s fox, do you?’ Logan carefully examined the child’s hand, wrist and shoulder. ‘There’s no obvious swelling. Does this hurt, William?’

‘Ow.’ The toddler jerked and his face crumpled.

‘Obviously the answer to that question is yes. Sorry to hurt you, little chap,’ Logan murmured apologetically, stroking a hand over the toddler’s head and reaching for the fox puppet. He waggled it around, made the child smile and then glanced at Evanna. ‘He’s tender over the radiohumeral joint. He’s comfortable until you try and move the elbow. It’s all consistent with a subluxation of the head of the radius. I’ll reduce it here.’

‘Here?’ The mother tensed. ‘Doesn’t he need an X-ray or anything?’

‘If there was any suspicion of a fracture, I’d arrange for an X-ray,’ Logan said easily, standing up and crossing the room to wash his hands, ‘but all the signs are that your son’s elbow is slightly out of place and I’m sure I can correct that. It will hurt for a few moments and then hopefully he’ll be fine. If this doesn’t do the trick, yes, I’ll consider an X-ray as the next step.’

Evanna stepped forward. ‘Can you hold him on your lap? Like that—perfect.’ She settled the child while Logan ripped a paper towel out of the dispenser and dried his hands.

‘All right, William, let’s do this so that you can get on with your holiday. Have you tried the ice cream at Meg’s Café yet?’ He put his thumb over the head of the radius and pressed down while he smoothly extended the elbow. ‘It’s the best ice cream in the world.’

Evanna watched while he moved the arm and then flexed the elbow, keeping his thumb pressing against the radial head.

The toddler screamed loudly and the mother inhaled and covered her mouth with her hand, but Logan gave a satisfied nod.

‘Sorry about the pain but I think that should have done the trick. I felt a click against my thumb. I’d like you to hang around here for about ten minutes, if that’s all right, then I’ll take another look at him.’

‘That’s it?’ The mother was cuddling William but he’d already stopped crying and was watching, fascinated, as Evanna made the fox puppet perform a series of elaborate tricks. ‘Does he need a plaster or a sling or anything?’

Logan shook his head. ‘I think he’s going to be fine. Let him play with the toys in the waiting room and then I’ll give you a shout and take another look. Good boy, William. You were very brave.’

The mother let out a sigh of relief. ‘I thought I’d broken his wrist.’

‘A sudden jerk on the arm can be enough to pull the elbow in a child of this age.’

‘I’ll remember that. I have a set of reins in the car but he hates them.’

‘He’ll probably like them more than having me manipulating his arm,’ Logan said gently. ‘Use them, at least when you’re near the water.’

The mother nodded. ‘Thanks very much.’

Logan smiled and walked towards the door. ‘I’ll see you in ten minutes.’

Evanna showed the couple into the waiting room, settled William with some toys and then returned to her room.

It would help if Logan weren’t such a good doctor, she thought wearily as she completed her notes and buzzed for her next patient. It would be so much easier if she didn’t admire him so much. She needed to work hard at finding something significantly wrong with him.

‘Keep the dressing on over the weekend, Mrs Keen,’ she said ten minutes later as she secured the bandage and helped the old lady to her feet. ‘Make an appointment with Janet to see me on Monday and I’ll look at it then, but it’s healing nicely.’

‘What are you doing this weekend, dear?’ The old lady reached for her bag. ‘Anything nice?’

Evanna thought of the barbecue and the new dress hanging in her wardrobe. ‘I’m not sure. Possibly.’ It would probably depend on the outcome of her new outfit. Would Logan notice a difference in her? And would he even care?

She walked Mrs Keen to the waiting room and brought William and his family back to Logan.

‘He seems fine now.’ The mother was smiling. ‘He’s using the hand quite happily. I can’t quite believe the difference. I was imagining that we were going to have to go back to the mainland for treatment. Thank you so much.’

‘You’re very welcome.’ Logan smiled and checked the child’s arm carefully, satisfying himself that an X-ray wasn’t necessary. ‘I think he’s fine,

but if there are any more problems just come back to us and we’ll take another look. If he seems reluctant to use it, I want to know. Otherwise, enjoy the rest of your holiday! And don’t forget to try that ice cream.’

The toddler gave him a faltering smile and Logan ruffled his hair. ‘And don’t go near the edge of the quay.’

‘He almost gave me a heart attack.’ The mother smiled her thanks again and left the room.

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025