Single Father, Wife Needed - Page 59

‘Because I don’t need a home,’ Evanna croaked. ‘At least, I don’t need a home on Glenmore. Not any more.’

Kyla stared. Then she took a deep breath. ‘Run that past me again.’

‘I’m leaving, Kyla. I’ve spoken to the Royal Infirmary today and they’re going to give me a job on the labour ward. I’m moving to the city. I can start as soon as Logan and Ethan agree to let me go.’

‘They’ll never agree to let you go and neither will I.’ Kyla’s voice sounded scratchy and she plopped down onto one of the kitchen chairs. ‘Why? Why would you leave Glenmore? You love the island. Why would you go?’

‘Because I can’t breathe the same air as Logan any more,’ Evanna whispered, her expression stricken. ‘I have to move on and I’ve realised that I can’t do that when I’m rubbing shoulders with him all the time.’

Kyla was silent. ‘Has something happened?’

Evanna hesitated. There were some things too personal to share even with her best friend. ‘I just made a decision, that’s all.’ After they’d made love for almost all of the night.

‘Does he know?’ Kyla’s voice was gruff. ‘Have you told him?’

‘Not yet.’ But she was sure he’d be relieved. He wouldn’t want her hanging around. It would be too awkward. Evanna walked to the kitchen table and picked up the letter that she’d typed earlier. ‘I’ve redone this a thousand times and I still don’t know if it’s right.’

‘What is it?’

‘My letter of resignation.’

‘Then it isn’t going to be right.’ Kyla took it from her and read it swiftly. Then her shoulders sagged and her eyes filled. ‘Evanna, don’t do this. You’re my best friend. You’ve been my best friend since we pulled each other’s hair in toddler group.’

‘You pulled my hair,’ Evanna mumbled, looking away so that she couldn’t see the tears. ‘I never touched yours.’

Kyla gave a smile that wasn’t entirely steady. ‘Yes, well, you always did hate confrontation. You’re hopeless at rows because you just want everyone to be friends and love each other. Oh, heck, you’re making me cry, and you know I never cry.’ She scrabbled in her pocket for a tissue and blew her nose. ‘I know I drive you mad but I love you. You’re my best friend. What would I do without you?’

‘You’re married now,’ Evanna said softly, blinking back her own tears. ‘Everything’s different.’

‘Being married doesn’t alter our friendship.’

‘Maybe not. But loving Logan alters everything.’

‘Have you told him how you feel about him? Surely it’s worth it before you take such a drastic step? If you’re leaving anyway, what does it matter?’

‘He knows.’ She hadn’t told him, but she’d shown him. With her body. She’d given him everything. And he hadn’t wanted it. Not in the way that she wanted him to want it. He hadn’t said a word. Just left while she’d still been sleeping.

‘You’ve spelt it out?’

‘We’ve been here before, Kyla,’ Evanna said patiently. ‘You can’t force someone to love you. Anyway, I don’t know why you’re being so tragic. You can come and visit me.’

‘I’m hopeless in cities,’ Kyla muttered, blowing her nose again. ‘I get lost and I feel crowded and hemmed in. So do you, you know you do. You’ve never been a city person and you never will be.’

Evanna took a deep breath. ‘You won’t change my mind, Kyla,’ she said quietly. ‘I’ve been over and over it in my head and I know it’s the right thing to do.’

Kyla watched her for a long moment, her eyes swimming with tears. ‘Ethan might just beat you up. He hates seeing me cry.’

‘I hate seeing you cry, too.’ Evanna stood up and held out her arms and Kyla walked into them, hugging her tightly.

‘I need Cupid to visit the island and stab my brother. Hard.’

‘Yes. It’s time he fell in love.’

‘I want it to be with you.’ Kyla squeezed her hard and then released her. ‘I really wanted it to be with you.’

Evanna gave a helpless shrug. ‘Life doesn’t always turn out the way we want it to. You know that as well as I do. We just have to get on with it. Play the hand we’ve been given.’

Kyla wiped her face with the palm of her hand and managed a smile. ‘You’re always so sensible, do you know that? What am I going to do without you? Who is going to stop me eating Meg out of ice cream and chocolate flakes?’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025