Single Father, Wife Needed - Page 60

‘I never manage to stop you, anyway.’ Evanna gave a shaky smile. ‘I’ll call. And e-mail. We’ll stay in touch. I promise.’

‘But it won’t be the same.’

‘No.’ Evanna felt her heart twist for everything she was losing. ‘No, it won’t be the same. But life doesn’t stay the same, Kyla. No matter how much you want it to, it doesn’t stay the same. We all have to keep moving forward.’

She kept telling herself that.

Keep moving forward.

Logan was just finishing surgery the next morning when his sister marched into the room. One look at the flash in her blue eyes warned him that she was about to pick a fight.

He sighed and sat back in his chair. ‘If this is one of your explosions, make it quick. I have house calls.’

‘I know. Ellen McBride and Gail Forster. I spoke to Janet. They can both wait.’ She slammed the door shut and strode across to his desk. ‘Are you seriously going to let her go? She’s part of this practice—part of this island—and you’re going to let her walk away? Are you nuts?’

Logan blinked. There was nothing quite like his sister in a seething temper. ‘I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about,’ he drawled softly, and she glared at him.

‘Well, of course you haven’t. You’re obviously completely stupid.’

He lifted an eyebrow. ‘And your evidence for that assessment would be—?’

‘The fact that you’re letting Evanna leave! How could you do it? How could you let her resign? She belongs here. She belongs with us. She’s part of Glenmore Island. Part of the practice. You’ll never find another nurse like her if you search high and low!’

Logan sat still. ‘What do you mean, leave? Where’s she going?’

‘To the mainland. To work. And live. And…’ Kyla faltered and waved a hand. ‘To do all the things that she used to do here. Did you accept her letter of resignation? Did you?’

‘She’s planning to resign?’ Logan rose to his feet and Kyla folded her arms across her chest and narrowed her eyes.

‘You’re pretending that you don’t know?’

‘Of course I didn’t know,’ he snapped, and then drew in a deep breath and forced himself to think. This was all his fault. He’d compromised her. He’d destroyed their friendship. If she was leaving, it was because of him. ‘It’s my fault, Kyla.’

‘Well, I know that. The whole thing is your fault.’

Logan frowned. She knew? Evanna had told her? It was true that Kyla and Evanna were close friends, but still… ‘I’m not in the habit of discussing my sex life with my sister.’


‘Your sex life? Why would I want to discuss your sex life?’ Kyla threw him an impatient glance. ‘I mean, it isn’t as if you—’ She broke off and stared at him. ‘What did you just say?’

‘I said that I’m not prepared to discuss my sex life with you.’

‘We were talking about Evanna.’


Kyla stared and then swallowed. ‘You had sex with Evanna? You—’

Logan’s gaze was icy. ‘I’ve already told you, I won’t discuss my sex life. If Evanna chose to confide in you, that’s up to her, but—’

‘She didn’t.’ Kyla sat down in the nearest chair and stared at the wall. ‘She didn’t, but now I see. You had sex? When?’


‘Just tell me!’ Kyla’s voice was a threatening growl. ‘For goodness’ sake, this is important. When?’

He let out a long breath. ‘The night of the barbecue.’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025