One Summer in Paris - Page 151

Instead of going home, she shared Meena’s room and they talked into the night.

Audrey discovered that trusting someone and letting them close pushed away that horrible feeling of loneliness that she’d lived with for so long.

The following day Linda was discharged home.

She was the one who insisted Audrey go straight back to Paris.

“You have a job.”

“Two jobs actually. I work in the bookshop in the morning and the salon in the afternoon.”

“Then that’s where you should be.” Linda lay on the sofa, a cup of tea in her hand. “You have a responsibility to them. It’s going to take me a while to recover, but I’ll get there.”

“I should be here to look after you.”

“That’s what I’m here for.” Ron patted her shoulder. “Grace is planning on going back to Paris tomorrow because her daughter and husband are there. You should go with her.”

Meena’s mother had promised to keep an eye on things, too, and Meena was going to keep Audrey posted.

“I’ve missed you this summer.” Her friend hugged her tightly as they waited for Meena’s dad to arrive to drive them to the station to get the train back to Paris. “Come and stay with me in Oxford.”

“I will. And don’t forget to be meaner-Meena.”

Meena giggled. “I’ve been working on it, I promise. I only apologized once to the woman who complained about me yesterday. A few weeks ago I would have apologized at least six times.”

Back on the train Audrey was so exhausted she slept most of the way with her head on Grace’s shoulder.

She woke as the train came to a halt. “Where are we?”

“Just outside Paris. Ten more minutes.”

Audrey yawned. “I’m sorry I slept. Great company I am.”

“I was glad to see you sleep. You were exhausted. Emotionally and physically. But you must be feeling better about it all.”

“I am.” And if it did all go wrong again, at least now she had proper support. She had friends she could be honest with. People who would help her. She wasn’t on her own with it. That felt like the best thing of all.

It occurred to her that Grace must be exhausted, too, even though she hadn’t said anything. All she’d thought about was Audrey.

“Thank you.” Audrey put her head back on Grace’s shoulder. “I never could have survived that trip without you. Having you there made all the difference.”

“Well, I wouldn’t have survived my time in Paris without you. You’re a very special person.”

Audrey felt her eyes sting. “You’re making my mascara run.”

“In that case don’t rub your face in my new white shirt.”

Audrey sniffed and lifted her head. “I’m going to miss you so much when you leave. Can we stay in touch?”

“What sort of a question is that? Of course we’re going to stay in touch. You’ll come and visit, and I’ll come back and visit you in Paris, or London or wherever you are. We can chat online and I can carry on teaching you French.” Grace dug in her bag and handed Audrey a tissue. “Here.”

Audrey blew her nose and pretended to be irritated. “French? Don’t I get time off for good behavior?”


“I’m glad I have a friend like you. It’s nice having someone who cares about you.”

The train was slowing down as it pulled into the station. A few people were already standing up and grabbing their bags.

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024