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Touch Me

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He stifled a laugh.

She smoothed the quilt across her knees. "It's a good thing not too many passengers get seasick like I did."

"Yes, it is."

She raised her gaze, her eyes filled with mischief. "You would never have a moment to yourself."

* * *

Chapter 5

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I am growing stronger, for yesterday when Langley came calling again, I told him that although I wished to see my son, I never wanted to see Langley again. I could not bear it, when every meeting reminds me of his cruelty. He was so angry, I thought he might strike me. I stood and dared him to. Actually dared him. He stared at me as if I had transformed into some remarkable sea creature. He stormed from the room without saying another word. I am still shaking from my own temerity.

June 13, 1798

Journal of Anna Selwyn, Countess of Langley

Adjusting her legs for comfort, Thea turned her face toward the sun again. She hated feeling like an invalid. What must he think of her whiling her days away in a deck chair like one of the elderly passengers? The thought that she cared entirely too much for Drake's opinion unsettled her. Drat the man. He should have maintained his overbearing arrogance and all would have been well.

Instead, he had cared for her like a treasured friend. Or something more.

She had not dreamed his assertion that he wanted her that first night, or had she? He had said nothing since.

"Have you worked it all out in your mind?"

His voice startled her from her reverie. "What do you mean? Worked what out?"

"Whatever has put that look of anxiety on your face and kept you silent for the past five minutes." He shifted his legs, crossing one over the other as he leaned against the rail opposite her chair. "You did say you wanted my company, but thus far you have ignored me."

"Five minutes of silence does not constitute ignoring you." She frowned up at him. "You must be accustomed to being fawned over in London. Are you very rich, Drake?"

He shrugged. "Rich enough."

"I thought so. For it certainly can't be your sunny disposition that has gotten you so accustomed to a lady's undivided attention."

The wary expression he wore turned to laughter. "You think my money is all that recommends me to women?"

"Well, you are very attractive as well." She must be honest.

"You find me attractive?"

He moved to stand very close to her chair. The sea air mixed with his uniquely masculine scent and she wanted to touch him, feel the hardened muscles of his body under her hands. Oh, she was wanton. She felt a blush crawl up her skin.

Nevertheless, she did not like the complacent air about him. "In a general sort of way, yes."

"What does that mean?"

She looked away from his too intent gaze. "It means that your overall appearance would be quite pleasing to ladies."

Looking sideways at the elderly woman nearest to them, she sighed in relief when she realized that the other woman was asleep. What an embarrassing topic to be overheard discussing.

He laughed again. "So, there is nothing particular about me that you find appealing?"

Was he mocking her? She couldn't tell.

Regardless, she had no intention of listing off the man's altogether too pleasing attributes. "Mr. Drake, that is hardly an appropriate thing to discuss."

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