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Touch Me

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"Little coward."

It had not been a dream. That is exactly what he had called her the first night on ship. She smiled. He must find something quite pleasing about her as well. Remembering her current state, her smile changed to a frown. Perhaps he had found her desirable before, but surely he could not desire her now.

"There is that look of worry again. You are biting your lip, Thea. Tell me what troubles you."

She affected a yawn. "You were right, Drake. I'm very tired. I think I'll take a little nap here in the sun."

His amused look vanished. "Are you all right? Are you sure you don't want me to carry you back to your cabin?"

She could just imagine what the other passengers would think of such a display. "No, thank you. I am content to rest here for the time being."

"Very well. I will send Melly to you."

"No." She felt like groaning at his look of implacability. "I am going to be resting. What possible harm can come to me?"

He frowned. "With you, that is a question that leaves me shuddering with the possibilities."

"That's not funny."

"I was not jesting." He pulled the quilt from her legs. "Stand up."

He was going to make her walk back to her cabin. She could not stand the thought of spending the rest of the day alone in the airless room. "Drake, I—"

He pulled her to her feet, effectively cutting off her protest. He then moved the chair back to a position near the dozing elderly woman. "Sit down."

Confused, she did as he commanded and watched in bemusement while he tucked the quilt around her again. Then he astonished her by laying his hand on the shoulder of the dozing woman.

She opened her eyes. "Eh, what is it? Oh it's you, Pierson."

"May I present Miss Selwyn? Thea, this is Lady Boyle."

Thea murmured, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

What was Drake doing?

"I'm leaving Miss Selwyn in your care."

Thea fumed. He made her sound like a piece of baggage that needed tending. "I don't need anyone to watch me nap, Mr. Drake."

He ignored her protest. "I will return later this afternoon to escort you back to your cabin."

She crossed her arms over her chest. She could return to her cabin on her own when she wanted.

He must have read her mind because he turned to Lady Boyle and said, "Do not let her out of your sight until I return."

Lady Boyle looked down her nose at Drake. "I've chaperoned six daughters through the Season and assorted granddaughters as well. Your young woman is safe in my care."

"I am not Mr. Drake's young woman. I am just a passenger on his ship." She fixed him with a gaze that dared him to disagree with her. "Isn't that right, Mr. Drake?"

He didn't agree or disagree. He merely raised one brow, bid his good-byes, and left. The sailor's curse that went through her mind was a very potent one.

Thea turned to face the older woman and forced a smile. "Thank you for keeping me company. However, you needn't interrupt your nap on my account. Contrary to what Mr. Drake believes, I do not need a keeper."

"Who are you accusing of napping? I never nap."

Thea hid a smile. "Well, I do. I'm not completely recuperated from this awful seasickness and find myself dozing in the afternoon."

"The young have no stamina."

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