Touch Me - Page 90

She couldn't think when he touched her like this. "Pierson, you must stop. We cannot become intimate in your aunt's carriage."

He squeezed her breast through the thin lawn of her gown and she moaned.

"Why not? We did in her library."

She sucked in a breath as he lowered his hand to caress the juncture of her thighs through her gown. "Please stop. We will soon reach her town house and I prefer not to have the footman open the coach door and find me in a complete state of dishabille."

"I thought you did not wish to bow to the dictates of Society." He kissed the side of her neck.

Heat pooled inside her, ready to erupt in the passion that he instigated.

It took tremendous effort to continue resistance. "I want to be free to discuss important matters, not be labeled no better than I should be."

He sighed and removed his lips from her nape. "You are right, but I don't have to like it."

The bulge against her hip testified that he truly did not wish to stop. Neither did she, and that knowledge galvanized her to action.

She scooted off his lap and moved to the opposite seat, hoping the small distance w

ould help both of them to maintain better control. She gripped her hands tightly together to prevent herself from reaching out and touching him. She fought a desperate urge to launch herself back into his arms, and hang the consequences.

"What are we going to do about our investigation?"

"I have set a watch on the warehouse. Someone is moving cargo. Our most promising alternative is to catch them in the act."

"That is perfect. Even if the culprit is not one of our suspects, we shall catch him. I should have thought of that earlier," she said with no little chagrin.

She saw the outline of his shoulders rise and fall in a shrug in the shadow of the carriage.

"No. Truly. The idea is inspired," she insisted.

"It was the logical next step."

"For someone with a brilliant mind like yours, perhaps."

He shrugged her praise away. They sat in silence for several moments, and Thea's thoughts turned instantly to the meeting with her sister.

Drake's voice caught her by surprise. "What are you going to do about your father?"

Did he but know it, his question carried more weight than it ever had before, but she could not yet see a solution to change her course of action. "Ignore him."

"That will be difficult once the Season is officially begun, particularly if you plan to spend any significant time with Lady Upworth. According to my aunt, she is a very social creature and has her family members to call often."

"It is a problem, but not insurmountable. She will understand if I do not visit when he is expected to be present."

"What of entertainments? Your father undoubtedly attends them as well. How will you avoid seeing him?"

"The same way you avoid seeing your father," she couldn't help saying, and not with a little bit of exasperation.

Of all people, Drake should understand her desire to stay clear of her father.

"The avoidance is mutual," was his clipped response.

She sighed.

She had hurt him. "I'm sorry, Pierson. I didn't mean to bring up a sore subject, but surely you can see that I find the discussion of my estranged parent just as wearing."

"I see that your stubbornness extends even to your family, and that although you should consider reconciliation for both your aunt and your brother's sake, you won't."

Tags: Lucy Monroe Historical
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024