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Just One Spark (The Kingston Family 4)

Page 71

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Linc took a step closer. “I’ll handle them and make sure they stay here until the movie ends.” He grasped her hand and leaned forward to kiss her cheek. “Good luck.”

“Have a safe delivery,” Jordan said.

Dash held her close as he stayed to the perimeter of the room, avoided stopping to talk, and rushed her out. They’d taken a limo and Dash texted the driver. “I told him it’s an emergency. He’ll be outside any second.”

They made it outside, found the driver, and she experienced another contraction before Dash helped her into the back, where she lay across the seat, Dash squishing in and holding her.

“We’re having a baby,” he said, awe in his tone.

“If you’re just figuring that out, we’re in more trouble than I thought.” She squeezed his hand tight and didn’t let go until they made it to the hospital.

* * *

Dash held his newborn baby against his bare chest, as he sat in a chair in Cassidy’s hospital room, watching her sleep. Her bed was propped up, and she dozed, her head to one side. A guard stood outside, protecting his family from anyone who wasn’t welcome. He looked down at the tiny infant, so pale and fragile against his darker skin and tattooed arms, and his heart felt full to bursting.

He wouldn’t bring this up to anyone, but he whispered a silent prayer of thanks that his firstborn son was with the woman he loved more than life itself and not some random groupie he’d hooked up with during his young and stupid days. He added into his gratitude the fact that Cassidy had managed to have faith in him at a time he’d barely had any in himself.

“Hey,” she said softly from the bed.

“Hey, yourself. How are you feeling? Need anything?” he asked. Being in the delivery room, watching what she’d gone through, seeing his baby being born … he’d damned near passed out. He didn’t know how Cass hadn’t. The doctor told them first babies usually took a long time but not his son. Her contractions came faster, too fast for an epidural, and she’d only been in labor for four hours before their son was born.

“I’m okay. Can I have the baby who doesn’t have a name?” A sweet smile curled her lips.

He rose, keeping the infant tight against him. He walked over and gently laid him on her chest. He didn’t stir.

“How do you think the premier went?” she asked, mentioning it for the first time.

“Linc texted earlier. He said the movie was a hit and got a standing ovation,” he said, proud of his wife.

“That was probably because half the theater was family.”

He rolled his eyes. “Cute. Give yourself credit where it’s due.”

“Hey, what do you think was going on with Aurora? Is she okay?”

Dash frowned. “Linc mentioned in text she wasn’t feeling well and left early, which is not like her when it comes to family events.”

Cassidy sighed. “Something about that Dare man triggered her. I wonder what it was?”

Dash shrugged. “Guess we’ll have to wait to find out. Linc also mentioned he’d had to physically bar the doors to make sure the family stayed for the film. Sasha included.”

Cassidy opened her mouth to speak when a nurse knocked and walked into the room. “You have a room full of people who want to take turns coming in. Two at a time, okay?”

“Are you up to visitors?” he asked Cassidy.

Tipping her head to the side, she said, “Do you really think I’d try and keep your mother out?”

He laughed then nodded. “Tell them I’ll be out in a few and bring them in two by two. Let them argue over who’s first.”

The nurse laughed and walked out.

“How about we name him before we have company because I had an idea?” she asked. They’d been going around and around without coming up with anything before now.

He raised his brows. “Go for it.”

“Well, given your rock star status, he needs a strong rock name. Axel is taken, if Axl Rose spells it differently…” She grinned at her sort of joke. “But I was thinking Freddie. He was the rock god, after all.”

Dash was shocked that she’d pick his idol’s name. Even he hadn’t offered it up because he’d been sure she’d turn it down. “You’re sure?”

“Frederick … Freddie Kingston? I’m sure,” she said, then yawned, rubbing the baby’s back.

Peace, contentment, and love settled over him. “Freddie it is.”

She smiled. “I love you, Dash, and I love our new little family.” She held up the infant and smiled. “I think he looks like me.”

He let out a laugh. “Better you than me.”

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