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Dare Me Tonight (The Knight Brothers 3)

Page 19

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Ian strode over and greeted Ethan and Sebastian, shaking their hands and slapping them on the backs as if they were old friends working on a joint project. Which, Ethan supposed, they were. It wouldn’t pay for him to be his grumpy, pissy self with the man he needed to please with both his security and smart technology.

Ian began to discuss a new addition to the fan experience, something his team would need to get up to speed with. Sebastian talked, and Ethan listened, content to let his brother run the show. Sebastian had always been the schmoozer, the brother with the personality and ability to charm everyone they worked with and reassure people when something went wrong. It made sense to let him convince Ian that Knight Time Technology could handle this admittedly comprehensive idea for including a virtual fan experience at the stadium. KTT could work alongside the computer company that created the apps and make sure the wireless technology was secure.

“Aah, here she is,” Ian said, gesturing toward the entrance to the large conference room. “The woman responsible for the entire fan-experience idea. Ethan, you know my half sister, Sienna.”

Ethan heard her name, the sound both a shock to his system and a punch in the gut at the same time. He hadn’t expected to see Sienna again ever, especially not during his time in Miami. But here she was, walking over with a smile on her face.

“And Sienna, this is Ethan’s brother, Sebastian. And Sebastian, Ethan, this is my other sister, our executive director, Olivia Rhodes.” Ian gestured to the woman standing beside Sienna, a brunette who bore a striking resemblance to her brother.

But the introductions went over Ethan’s head because his gaze was wholly focused on the woman he couldn’t get out of his mind. Sienna appeared as beautiful as he remembered but much more fragile. Her skin was pale, her eyes wide as she forced a smile and shook Sebastian’s hand first.

“Nice to meet you,” she said.

“Same.” Sebastian, unaware of Ethan’s reeling emotions, turned to Olivia Rhodes, giving her the same greeting.

“Ethan, you mentioned to me that Sienna was interested in more hands-on business dealings than school,” Ian said. “And when she returned from her weekend in New York, she blew me away with her ideas. Once we hired a company to implement the concepts, I thought it prudent to bring you in for security.”

“I’m impressed with her plans, as well,” Ethan said, not surprised at her ingenuity and intelligence. It had just been a question of finding the right fit for her business-wise. Apparently Ian had seen and tapped into the potential.

“So Sienna told me all about your weekend together in Manhattan.”

“We … kept busy,” Ethan muttered.

Sienna flushed a deep shade of red, and he quickly looked away, not wanting to draw attention to them.

“Right, we did.” Sienna gestured with her hands in that expressive way he’d found so engaging in New York. “The gala was lovely but I especially enjoyed seeing the sights. The Statue of Liberty was fascinating and One World Trade was heart-wrenching. In addition, we had good talks and it was very productive for me.”

Listening to her sum up their weekend into one of sightseeing and productivity had Ethan clenching his teeth in frustration considering he knew he’d spent much of that time balls deep inside her.

“We had a nice time, didn’t we … Ethan?” She hesitated, stumbling over his name.

If she’d called him Mr. Knight, he didn’t know if he’d have been able to restrain himself from throwing her over his shoulder and storming out of here like a caveman so he could take her in the nearest office he could find.

“It was fucking wonderful,” he muttered.

Sebastian turned to him, mouth open, and Ethan realized his mistake immediately.

“I mean it was great. We had fun,” Ethan said, rushing to be more polite and diplomatic. “And I’m sure there won’t be any issues on the project going forward.” Stick to business, he reminded himself.

“No, there won’t be,” Ian said.

“And we’re aware that we need a project manager on site. Especially now that we’re in the building phase,” Sebastian said, citing what, to Ethan, was a sticky subject.

The last big contract they’d had, Ethan had sent a willing Mandy to handle the job in LA and she’d betrayed them all, buying substandard products and indulging in her drug addiction and affair. Finding someone to stay in Miami? Ethan had put off thinking about it at all.

Sebastian stepped forward. “I was going to offer to come down during the week and fly back to New York on the weekends.” He ran a hand over the back of his neck, his reluctance to take on this job real. He had Ashley at home… and apparently they had big discussions going on about having a family. But as a team player, Sebastian’s offer was genuine.

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