Shock and Aww (Blue Collar Bensons 2) - Page 56

They writhed against each other, still making out like it was their last night on earth. Hannah pushed her hips forward and up, the perfect move to stroke directly over his cock. He groaned into her mouth, and she did it again.

Shit. He had to put a stop to this. If he didn’t, he’d have her stripped and on her back in the foyer before she knew what hit her. Though they hadn’t spoken about it, and as hot as their kisses were, he had a feeling Hannah wasn’t prepared to sleep with him tonight.

With a heroic show of strength, he ripped his mouth away and tugged his wrist free of her grasp. He stepped back, needing to physically separate himself from her, or he’d dive back in for another taste.

Hannah stood there, chest heaving, pupils blown, and lips swollen from his mouth. Her face had a gorgeous pink glow to it.

They should probably talk about this. About how he just changed the nature of their relationship with one kiss. Well, more than one, but one impulsive decision on his part. But instead of dissecting every move, complicating things further, or possibly screwing up the best night he’d had in ages, he smiled.

“Have a good night, Hannah.”

Still wide-eyed and shocked, she nodded as she pressed a hand to her lips.

Hopefully, her shock didn’t outweigh the pleasure. Hopefully, she wouldn’t get in her car, bang her head against the steering wheel and regret kissing him. Hopefully, she’d come back tomorrow.

Then she gave him a soft, yet satisfied grin. “Goodnight, JP,” she said, then turned and slipped out the front door.

He watched her as she got in her car and drove away. After shutting the door, he sagged against it.

Damn, that had been a kiss like no other. Would he get a shot at a second? Or third? Reason tried to work its way into his mind. Emotion threatened to cloud his thinking, but he shoved both away.

Tonight had been fun in a way he hadn’t expected and never wanted, but it’d been fantastic all the same. Laughing with his family and Hannah, sharing the late-night tasks of caring for Kayla with another person, opening up about his future, kissing a woman he couldn’t stop thinking about. So many simple pleasures he’d never allowed himself but feared he’d want again and again.

What did any of it mean? Was he beginning to think in terms of a relationship? Admitting he wanted Hannah was the easy part. Confessing to wanting more than just her body terrified him. There were so many ways it could end in utter disaster for her. For him. For Kayla.

With a heavy sigh, he shoved the deep thoughts from his weary mind. He deserved at least the rest of the night to enjoy the taste and feel of Hannah before reality, logic, or feelings blew it all up.


“HEY, MAN, THANKS for meeting up with me,” JP said as he extended a hand to a buddy he ran across from time to time while working with Jagger’s contracting company.

“JP! How’s it going, brother?” Mark stood from the table and grabbed JP’s hand, giving it a hearty shake. “Been a minute.”

“Yeah, it has. I’m doing well. How about you?”

“Good, good.” Mark sat and pointed to the empty chair. “Wife’s pregnant with our fourth, so life’s good, man.” He grinned like the happy father and husband he’d been since he got married to his high school sweetheart two months after graduation.

At the time, JP thought he was batshit crazy for locking his shit down at such an early age. He vividly remembered hearing when they’d gotten pregnant with their third and how fucking relieved he’d been not to walk in Mark’s shoes.

Life was a funny bitch.

“Congrats,” he said with a grin. “Happy for you, man.” And he meant it. With a new perspective on parenthood came the realization that he might have been a bit of an uncongratulatory ass to his friends who already had children.

“Congrats?” Mark raised an eyebrow and pursed his lips. “Pretty sure the last time I told you we were having a kid, you said I better get a vasectomy this time, so I don’t keep making ‘crotch goblins.’”

Ouch. “Yeah, about that…”

“What?” Mark asked, cocking his head.

A waitress came to their table with a perky smile and even perkier tits. Her bright smile, short skirt, and gleam of interest in her eye would have had JP jacking the charm up to full blast, but he placed his order, and that was that.

“Okay,” Mark said when after ordering a coffee and snack for himself. “What the hell is going on? First, you congratulate me on the pregnancy, then you don’t flirt with the hot waitress who stripped you bare with her eyes and practically begged you to ask her out.”

Tags: Lilly Atlas Blue Collar Bensons Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024