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Mail-Order Groom: A Valentine Romantic Comedy

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Charlotte had to fight against the urge to cover her eyes. Ugh. Why was Cha-Cha so good at tugging at people's heartstrings?

"Just help me with this, please? Every match you've worked on is a success," Charlee-Mae proclaimed passionately, "and that includes each and every member of San Antonio's Finest Eligibles. If you can get those guys down the aisle, why can't you do the same for me?"

Charlee-Mae could see that she was starting to get to Charlotte, but since the older woman had a tendency to think of herself as Charlee-Mae's second mother, maybe a change of tactics was called for?

"I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy—-"

Charlotte's features contorted into a frightening scowl.


Obviously the wrong tactic, but that was fine. She could always try something different, like—-

"You know how hard I've been searching for Mr. Right."

When in doubt, a dramatically-expressed truth would always work best.

"We all have our own goals," Charlee-Mae continued in her most heartfelt tone, "and mine has always been to walk down the aisle and marry a man I love and who loves me in return."

Charlotte knew when she was being manipulated, but the thing was...she also knew that not a single word from Charlee-Mae was a lie. Even as a little girl, Charlee-Mae would spend hours planning tea parties to celebrate Barbie and Ken's wedding, and on her way home from school, she would also stop by the chapel to drop another handwritten letter in the prayer request box. And of course, that request had to do with finding her Prince Charming in the future.

"I've been dating for years and years," Charlee-Mae went on to declare, "but all I've managed to do is kiss one frog after another. It's a miracle I haven't turned into one myself."

Charlotte could sense that she was fighting a losing battle, but...

"What about those dating apps—-"

Charlee-Mae rolled her eyes. "Duh. Do you really think I haven't given those a try? I've tried every dating app there is, and all it gave me was a thumb injury for all the swipe-lefts I've done." Charlee-Mae couldn't help looking at Charlotte reproachfully when the other woman still appeared unconvinced. "The only reason you're hesitating is because you're overthinking things again. But since you've been doing this for ages," she pointed out cajolingly, "is there really something to worry about? You and Heart's Match are my last resort. I just want a grand romance—-" Shit.

In Charlee-Mae's eagerness to make her point, she had almost slipped up and mentioned her brother, and guilt filled her upon seeing Charlotte suddenly pale. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to remind you—-"

Charlotte raised a hand, and Charlee-Mae fell silent.

"There's no need to apologize since you said exactly what I needed to hear."

Her eyes widened. "I...did?"

Charlotte let out a sigh. "In other words - yes, I'll help—-" She wasn't able to finish speaking, with her sister-in-law already jumping up and down with glee.

Charlee-Mae hurried around the desk to give Charlotte a hug. "I knew you'd see it my way eventually!"

Charlotte felt just a little bit depressed upon hearing this. "I'm already starting to regret it, to be honest."

"O ye of little faith!" Charlee-Mae's tone was teasing and chiding at the same time. "Don't you know Family 101? Thou shalt always have trust in thy sister-in-law—-"

"Thou certainly shalt not," Charlotte retorted, "when thy sister-in-law's name is Charlee-Mae Chastity Carmichaels."

"You should really stop overthinking," Charlee-Mae chastised. "It's going to give you wrinkles one day."

"If I do get wrinkles," Charlotte muttered, "it's all because—-"

"You keep thinking like I'm about to be your agency's biggest headache—-" Charlee-Mae gave her sister-in-law an innocent look. "—-when I'm not, naturally. So just relax. It's all going to be fine and smooth sailing from here."

Charlotte's gaze momentarily flicked upwards. I'm sure you've heard what your sister just said, Landon. She thinks it's going to be fine and smooth sailing, she reported forlornly to her husband in heaven, when it never is. Crazy things always happen where your baby sister is concerned—-

Charlee-Mae's gaze narrowed suspiciously at her sister-in-law. "Hey! I know that look. Are you tattling on me to my dead brother?"

Charlotte lifted her chin. "Don't be absurd, and anyway—-" She made a shooing gesture in the direction of the door. "It's time for you to go. I need peace and quiet if you want me to quickly find you a match."

"Then consider me gone." Charlee-Mae blew the other woman a goodbye kiss...which Charlotte took the time to catch just so she could make a show of crumpling it in her fist before throwing the invisible kiss into her wastebasket.

"Oh my goodness! Bless you, my darling sister-in-law," Charlee-Mae cooed. "You are such a bitch! I love it!"

Charlotte waited until the door closed behind Charlee-Mae before allowing herself a grudging little smile. Although her sister-in-law was the love-her-or-hate-her type, the other woman also had the most ridiculously optimistic outlook of life that Charlotte could only admire. Nothing ever fazed Charlee-Mae, and it reminded her of how an internationally renowned fashion designer had once described her sister-in-law upon watching Charlee-Mae sashay down the catwalk.

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