Camp Nerd (Walker Hills 1) - Page 44

“Don’t fuckin’ call me a liar, everything I said was true.”

“Then why, the second things get tough, are you in there with another woman after telling me all the crap you have been?”

He pauses, because he has no answer to that. I knew he wouldn’t.

“Exactly,” I laugh bitterly. “You remember asking me why I didn’t believe anything you said to me, this is why. You’re no different to anyone else in my life. You’re exactly the same as all the rest of them. God damn, it’s men like you that made me the way I am today. Fuck you, Rhett, for letting me believe for a single second that you actually wanted anything from me.”

I turn and go to run off again, but his hand lashes out and catches me by the wrist. He swings me so aggressively toward him that I have no choice but to fall into him. His arms lock me in and even though I struggle, I can’t escape his grips.

“Listen to me and listen to me good, you’re wrong. I meant every fuckin’ word I said to you. That woman in there, she’s a friend. That’s it. What you saw isn’t what you think. I’m angry, I’m disappointed about what happened, but I’m not a fuckin’ liar, Lei. When I said you’re beautiful, I fuckin’ meant it.”

“Stop,” I croak, my forehead falling to his chest because I’m too tired to fight him a second longer.

“When I said I wanted you, I fuckin’ meant it.”

“Rhett ...”

“No, you can tell me a lot of things about what you think you know about me, but you do not tell me that I’m a fuckin’ liar. I want you, Lei. What do you need me to do to prove that?”

“Stop dismissing me because you’re angry,” I murmur. “That isn’t how you treat someone you care about.”

“Done. The next part I’m goin’ to need to show you inside.”

I pull back and blink up at him. “The next part?”

He grins down at me. “You didn’t think I was lettin’ you go back to your cabin tonight, did you?”

Oh boy.

He leans down and scoops me up as if I weigh nothing and walks back to the house with purpose. When he barges through the front door, and everyone turns to stare at me, my cheeks burn. Oh god. When the guys cheer, I bury my face into Rhett’s chest and pray that the world ends right now so I don’t ever have to face them again.

Rhett walks down the hall, kicks open his bedroom door, and then places me down before turning and shutting it. It’s when the locks it and looks back at me, his eyes dark and hungry, that I know tonight is going to change my life. I’m not sure what about his expression tells me that, but oh god, I feel it right down to my toes. Rhett is going to do things to me I’ll never forget.

And I can’t bloody wait.


“What are we doing?” I whisper, legs either side of Rhett’s hips as he sits on the bed with me positioned on his lap.

He has removed my clothes right down to my bra and panties, and as he pushes my wet hair off my face, I can’t help but feel suddenly terrified about what’s to come. He leans in, pressing a kiss to my lips before murmuring, “You’re goin’ to sit here on my lap, rubbing against me, until I can feel your pussy get so wet it warms my dick, only then are we goin’ to go further. I know this is your first time, and I want to rip your clothes off and fuck you so damned hard, but I’m not goin’ to do that.”

I swallow, body shivering. “Do ... do I do something?”

“No, sweetheart, I’ll do all the work. You just sit there and enjoy it.”

Oh my.

Oh, sweet lord.

This is only the beginning.

Rhett’s mouth finds mine and he kisses me, soft at first, gentle touches of his lips against mine. His beard tickles my face, and it takes everything inside me not to reach up and curl my fingers in it, frantically tugging him closer. I want nothing more than to have him inside me, but at the same time I want to enjoy every damned second of this. I want to relish in every feeling, every touch, every kiss. So I’m not going to make it go any quicker.

His kiss deepens until we’re interlocked in a way that makes me weak in the knees. I kiss him so hard my mouth burns and my tongue aches, but my god, feeling his cock rise beneath me, feeling the way it brings my body to life, I don’t want it to end. I want to stay here forever, in this exact position, and never leave. I kiss him until all the breath has left my body and I can’t take another second, only then do I pull back, and it’s not because I want to, it’s because I’m going to explode if we do this a second longer.

Tags: Bella Jewel Walker Hills Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024