Camp Nerd (Walker Hills 1) - Page 45

Our eyes meet and he moves his hands up and down my back, until he finally stops at my bra. He unclips it and slides it off, then he leans back and stares down at my breasts. He has seen them before, at the river, but it wasn’t like this. This is raw. Open. I don’t have giant boobs and they’re a hundred percent natural. They’re still pretty perky, I am only young after all, but they’re certainly not the big ones I see on all the other beautiful girls. Still, they’re full and I like them. Rhett stares at them, and for a moment, I get into my head and wonder what he’s thinking, but then I take a look at his face and the lusty expression and know that he’s staring at me with lust.

Pure, raw, lust.

He reaches around, taking one in his hand, where he gently cups it, flicking his thumb over my nipple. I shiver and bite my lip, watching his big hands caress me. Then, he tips me back just a little and leans down, putting his lips on me. The sensation is out of this world, and I find myself crying out in shock and pleasure. It tickles and it feels warm, nice. I think I might just like this.

With his free hand, Rhett takes my hip and encourages me to rock against his cock. I let him guide me, following the movement he creates for me as he rocks my body back and forth. A pleasure begins to build as the hard ridge of his dick rubs right against my clit. I moan and he uses his tongue to flick against my nipple. The sensation is incredible, and together, it brings me to an orgasm even better than the last.

I cry out, clutching him, my body trembling with the most sensational feeling I’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing.

Only when that shaking subsides and my moaning stops, does Rhett release me from his mouth. He looks at me, his eyes hooded and his expression hungry. If that was just the beginning, I can only imagine what he as in store for me. I can’t wait to find out. I lean forward, feeling confident, bold, and I press my lips to his neck. I want to taste him, too. I want to breathe him in, put this moment in my mind forever.

I suck on his skin, just a little, and he tastes slightly salty, and I swear, I can taste rain drops on his flesh. He growls and pushes me back, warning me in a low tone, “You gotta stop doin’ that, honey. I won’t last and I’m goin’ to make this one go all night.”

Oh my.

He launches me onto the bed suddenly, taking me by surprise. I land on my back and his big body comes down over mine, he goes in for a deep, intense kiss and then he moves down my body, hooking his fingers into my panties and dragging them down my legs. I close my eyes, feeling a little unsure as I lie before him naked. I want to know what he’s thinking and, at the same time, I really don’t. This feel so much more vulnerable than it did at the river. Like he’s really looking this time.

His hand starts at my breasts, and he growls, “Open your eyes. You won’t believe my words but you’ll trust my expression. See how much I love your body.”

I open my eyes, my heart exploding as I watch him.

His eyes don’t leave my body and he’s right, the expression on his face is that of a man pleased. He likes what he sees and he’s making sure I can see it. He leans down, pressing his mouth to my stomach, and the urge to close my eyes again is strong, but I don’t. I just watch as he drags his mouth down my flesh until he reaches my pubic bone. Then he looks up at me. “You ever had a man put his mouth on you?”

I shake my head.

“You’re about to.”

Before I can say another word, he moves his mouth down ... down, down, down until he’s right between my legs. I close my eyes, nerves racing around in my tummy. I have to ask myself, did I wash enough? Am I clean shaven? Should I have touched it up a bit more? Does it smell good? Bad? I have no idea. All I know is his face is right there, and he’s about to do things to me that I’ve never had done before.

His tongue slides out and when it grazes over my clit, I freeze, eyes widening. I gasp when he does it again, only this time the pressure is a little more intense and firm, and oh, does it make my body explode with a thousand different sensations. I’ve never felt anything quite like this in my life, and I want more. So much more. My fingers curl into his hair as he continues to devour me, his tongue doing wicked things.

Tags: Bella Jewel Walker Hills Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024