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The Sheikh’s Instant Family (The Safar Sheikhs 2)

Page 22

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“Just getting my new outfit ready,” she said, tossing him a breezy smile over her shoulder. Her pink satin bra was full to bursting with her breasts, and the sight of her, belly just starting to swell, had his cock twitching.

“Is it something new?”

She nodded, holding up what looked like a two-piece business suit. She beamed as she showed it off. “It’s maternity clothing.”

“Huh.” He nodded, inspecting the chic ensemble. “I wouldn’t have guessed.”

“Exactly.” She took the clothes off the hangers and stepped into the pants, and then slid the shirt over her shoulders. “And it is sooo comfy.”

“Where’d you get that?”

“Calla.” Vanessa assessed herself in the mirror, twisting from side to side. “This is one of her prototypes of a new design. We’ve been working on a maternity line together.”

“Wow. A maternity line.” Amad couldn’t rip his eyes off her as she unzipped the pants and stepped out of them. “That’s a great idea.”

“I thought so too.” She sat on a footstool nearby and started rubbing lotion onto her legs. The drool had to be dripping out of his mouth by now. He snapped out of his stupor.

“Come here,” he said, gesturing for her to come to him on the bed. “You’re pregnant. You shouldn’t be doing that. Let me.”

She smirked, peeking beneath her lashes at him. “Oh, is this too strenuous?”

“Way too strenuous.” He gestured again. “You’re going to need to let me do that.”

She laughed and did as he said, bringing the lotion with her. She lay out on the bed next to him, propping her ankles in his lap. “Have at it.”

Amad doled out a generous squirt of lotion and rubbed it up and down her calves. She giggled as he massaged her ankles.

“There we go.” Heat streaked through his veins. Every inch of this woman turned him on. She could be sick in bed with the flu and the sight of her shoulder would still turn him on. “Phase one of lotioning complete. Now it’s time for phase two.”

“And what does phase two entail?” she asked, humor filling her voice.

“Complete nudity and lying back on the bed,” he instructed, undoing his belt.

“Ah.” Vanessa clucked her tongue. “I forgot about this very important second step of proper moisturizing.”

“Most people overlook it,” Amad said, popping to his feet to shuck his pants. “But that’s why you have me around. To remind you of these things.”

Vanessa giggled as he unbuttoned his shirt. He stepped out of his briefs. She tugged off her blouse and cast it aside.

“Leave the bra,” Amad said, climbing onto the bed. “You look too sexy in it; it would be a crime to remove it.”

“A crime,” Vanessa teased. “Like at Interpol level or something more severe?”

“Much more severe.” He grazed kisses over her collarbone, then down to the swell of her breasts. Vanessa fidgeted beneath him as he moved slowly down her belly and over the mound of her pussy. He grazed his lips against the dampening crotch of her panties, then he tugged the scrap of fabric down her legs.

“Thank you for helping me stay compliant,” she said breathily, jerking beneath him once his teeth crested the hard nub of her clit.

“It’s my duty as your husband.” He palmed the length of his cock as he positioned himself between her legs. Thoughts ground to a halt as the swollen tip of his cock nudged her juicy entrance. She was always ready for him, always willing. And that was one of the things he loved most about this time in Amatbah. He and Vanessa existed in a dream state—halfway between a work trip and paradise, like some sort of dreamy vacation that included only occasional tasks at the office.

He could get used to this.

Vanessa moaned low and animalistic as he eased himself into her. The pregnancy had been a boon to their already booming sex life. He knew that would probably change in time, but for now, he wanted to relish it.

“God, why do you always feel so good?” Vanessa dug her fingernails into the ridge of his shoulder, a move that always sent chills racing down his spine.

“I should ask you the same.” He snagged her lips in a kiss, and as he surged forwar

d, the tenderness collided with the lust in him, something much bigger and sweeter and more intense emerging. He didn’t want to dwell on it too much. Just wanted to enjoy this for the ride that it was.

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