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The Sheikh’s Instant Family (The Safar Sheikhs 2)

Page 23

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The soft grunts from her lips made it impossible to focus on anything other than the soft arc of her breasts, the golden-hued curve of her neck, the plump lips permanently parted, betraying just how good this was for her. Amad surged forward, again and again, sweat collecting at his temples as he fought the orgasm pooling in his core.

With her, it was so easy to find the summit of pleasure. She could sometimes just glance at him and take him halfway there.

“Vanessa,” he groaned, pushing himself in again. The tight cords around his control were slowly unraveling. Once they snapped, it would be the liquid downhill rush that he relished at her side. Sex never felt so good inside anyone else. It had to be the connection they shared—that lust for life, the lightheartedness that they both carried with them.

The hot prickles in his lower belly swarmed and spread through his limbs. He groaned low and thrust again. “I’m there, babe.”

Vanessa tightened herself around him, arching backward onto the bed. A gruff cry ripped out of him. His abs jerked as he came, pumping round after round into her as she moaned and writhed beneath him.

Once the haze of satisfaction cleared a little, Amad peeled himself off her, finding a grin waiting for him.

“You’re so noisy when you orgasm,” she teased, squeezing her thighs around him.

“Well, you make it hard to be quiet,” he said, pressing a kiss to her collarbone before easing off to the side.

She ruffled his hair and then rolled away. Once her feet hit the floor, he realized she wasn’t sticking around for post-coital cuddling like usual.

“Where are you going?” he asked, flinging an arm into the empty space beside him.

“I have to get ready,” she said, picking up her discarded panties and blouse. “I was in the middle of that, you know.”

“For what, again?” He pushed up to his elbows, frowning as she stepped back into her clothes from before.

“We’re having a girls’ night.” She smiled at him through the mirror as she pressed some pearl earrings into each lobe.

The news hit Amad like a sack of bricks. His frown deepened. “Like, all night? I thought you were coming with me to the tribal dinner.” He’d wanted her to be at his side for this function. He’d only mentioned it in passing earlier that week, not figuring she’d need to pencil him in or anything. “I wanted you to help entertain the wives as I talk shop with the leaders.”

She swore under her breath, stilling as she arranged her hair. “Shit. I totally forgot. Do you really need me there?”

Amad weighed his options. He could pitch a fit about this if he wanted to. It did irritate him. But she seemed excited for the meetup. This would be her first girls’ night, so he could let it slide this once.

“Pregnancy brain, huh?” He gnawed on the inside of his cheek, flopping back on the bed. “Have your girls’ night. I’ll manage.”

Her face appeared over his as he lay staring at the ceiling. “Are you sure?”

The excitement on her face was that of a child’s. It made him smile. “I’m positive. I want you to have fun.”

She thanked him and pressed a long, sloppy kiss to his lips, then resumed getting ready at the wardrobe. He watched her for a little bit, lost in his thoughts, until he realized he needed to get himself ready as well.

He’d gotten a little too used to having Vanessa at his beck and call. It had always been that way in Las Vegas. Whenever he swept into town, she was more than ready to receive him and spend the weekend fucking and lounging.

But now? She was establishing herself here. She had a life separate from him, he realized, now that they were seeing each other more continuously than ever before.

This was uncharted territory.

And Amad wasn’t sure he liked it.


Vanessa had been pushing herself. Hard.

The second trimester energy was apparently limited. She’d been so excited to feel normal again that she’d completely spent all her reserves.

Or maybe she was just taking too much on. She wasn’t just eager to help Calla with the burgeoning maternity line, which was taking off in a huge way. She was also spreading herself to new areas of the tribe. Beyond being a tireless wife and expectant mother, she also wanted to be the model Amatbahn spouse.

So she’d been filling her calendar with new tasks, the most recent one being reading to children at a local elementary school.

But this morning?

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