The Commander (Men of Hidden Justice 3) - Page 52

“She isn’t dating until she’s thirty,” I said firmly.

Tally and the woman exchanged a glance and a laugh.

“Good luck with that, Daddy,” the woman said before walking away.


It was the first time it had been acknowledged out loud. The word made my throat feel thick.

I focused my gaze on Julianna. “At least thirty,” I whispered to her. I met Tally’s gaze, and she smiled in understanding. A moment of gentle emotion flowed between us—honest and real. Of course she understood. She smiled every time I referred to her as Mommy.

I finished my coffee and flicked the cup into the waste container beside us. I flinched at the sudden snap of pain. Tally frowned.

“Does it hurt you a lot?” she asked, indicating my shoulder.

“Only at times. There is lingering nerve damage,” I admitted.

“I’m sorry.”

I acknowledged her words with a dip of my head.

After a few moments of silence, Tally stood. “Let’s go, Daddy. She’s getting fussy again and will want to be fed soon.”

I followed her, still smiling.

Daddy. That was my new favorite word.

Julianna was fussier when we got back to the apartment, and Tally and I took turns walking with her, unable to get her settled.

Tally frowned in worry. “She doesn’t want to eat either.”

I felt worry in the pit of my stomach. “Is that normal?”

“Not for her.” Tally touched her lips to Julianna’s forehead. “She’s getting warm.”

Shortly after, Julianna began to cry. Loud, pitiful wails. She was inconsolable. I had never felt so helpless in my life watching Tally trying to soothe her. We tried a bath, but she didn’t even react to the water, which she loved to splash in. Tally went to get her fresh clothes, and I ran my fingers down Julianna’s warm cheek as I lifted her to my chest.

“Tell me, baby girl. Tell me what hurts, and Daddy will make it all better.”

The only sound was my daughter’s cries. My heart broke at the pathetic noises.

Tally came in and frowned. “She’s hotter now.”

There was no mistaking the worry in her tone.

“We’re going to the hospital,” I said, handing Julianna to Tally. “I’ll go get the car. You bring her downstairs.”

She nodded, and I hurried down to the car, already calling Sofia. I told her what was happening, and she assured me I was doing the right thing bringing her in. Then she ordered me to calm down.

“I’m at the ER, and I’ll get you in right away. The pediatrician on call is great.”

Tally got in the back seat with Julianna, bending close, murmuring reassurances, and rubbing her tummy as her wails became louder. My foot never left the gas pedal, and I gave zero fucks if I got stopped. Luckily, the apartment was close to the hospital, and we were there quickly. Sofia came out and took Tally and Julianna inside, and I found a place in a parking lot, not caring that the guy gouged me. I left the keys and hurried back.

Unsure of my place, I stayed out of the way in the hall, close enough I could go into the room if needed. I paced anxiously, hearing Julianna’s crying from behind the door, the muffled sounds like bombs in my heart. My chest ached with her pain.

A woman watched me, catching my eye.

“First one?” she asked.


“First baby,” she replied.

“Yes.” I ran a hand through my hair. “She got really hot and was crying. She wouldn’t eat.” Why I was telling this stranger all that, I had no idea, but I had to talk to someone.

She nodded in sympathy. “They do that. She’ll be right as rain soon enough. Probably a little bug or an upset tummy.”

I ran a hand through my hair again, then stopped. I could no longer hear Julianna’s cries. Panic gripped me until the door opened and I saw Sofia walking toward me, calm and smiling.

“Relax, Daddy,” she said. “She’ll be fine. She has an ear infection that is causing her discomfort. We gave her something to reduce her fever, and she’s already settling.”

“Can I see her?”

“Of course.”

I followed her into the exam room. Tally was rocking her, murmuring little hushing noises. Julianna was wrapped in a blanket, her eyes shut, nuzzling against Tally. I hunched beside them, covering Julianna’s head with one hand and cupping Tally’s cheek with the other.

“Our girl has an ear infection?” I asked quietly, feeling relief over such a simple diagnosis.

“Yes. And her tummy is upset. She doesn’t feel so well, Daddy.”

I glanced up at the doctor who came in. “Can we take her home?”

“Yes. I’ll send her some antibiotics, which will help. And keep up with the Children’s Tylenol for the fever if needed. She may be a little sleepy or grumpy—” he grinned “—or both. Watch her and come back if you’re concerned or her fever goes higher. She should be fine in a couple of days.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Men of Hidden Justice Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024