The Commander (Men of Hidden Justice 3) - Page 66

“Were you really going to give him Marcus?”

“No. We wanted his presence to distract him so Matteo could set up for the kill shot. Matteo was second to shoot him if Damien couldn’t get the right angle. I was last.” I patted my shoulder. “I wanted to kill him myself for daring to touch you. To frighten and threaten you and our daughter. But I worried I wouldn’t have the control, and it was too important. Better him dead and you safe than me being the one to pull the trigger.”

She shivered. “He was awful. His eyes were empty.”

“So was his soul.”

“He’s really dead?” she whispered, playing with the edge of the blanket.

I reached for her hand. “Yes. All of them are. Damien has his laptop and is tracing every step to make sure there are no others. Everyone involved is dead and the building demolished.”

Tears filled her eyes.


“Their families. They’ll always wonder…”

I stroked her cheek, in awe of her compassion. She knew that feeling, and she didn’t want others to suffer the same way.

“None of them had family, Tally. All were loners with no close ties. That’s what they were searching for. We always check, and if they’ve left someone behind, we make sure they know.”

“You think of everything.”

“We try to minimize the pain for people who are innocent bystanders. They don’t need to suffer because of someone else. In many ways, family and friends are victims too. They have no idea what the person was capable of. We just allow them to be able to grieve and move on.”

“So, it’s really over.”

“Yes. You’re safe, baby. Both of you.”

I drew in a deep breath. “You’ll be safer tomorrow.”

She frowned. “Tomorrow?”

“I’m sending you and Julianna with Marcus and Matteo to the island. It’s protected and safe. They’ll look after you.”

“What about you?”

I met her eyes. “You can recover and decide if you want me to join you. After today—” I shifted closer “—I realize how arrogant I was, thinking I was untouchable. That the danger I was used to in my world of Hidden Justice would never touch you. I should have known better. I watched it affect the lives of my agents. How close both Matteo and Marcus came to losing the women they loved because of it. I convinced myself I was different. I was behind the scenes, so of no interest…”

“Until a madman changed your mind.” She finished for me.

“I will never forgive myself.” I sighed. “And I know you were already wary and scared. I’m sure you need time to think and reflect. Decide.”

“I think I understand what you do more now. How vital it is and why you were so dedicated.”

I furrowed my brow in confusion.

“While I was sitting there, waiting for you—because I knew you’d find a way to come for me—I thought of the women you’d rescued. The children. How frightened they would be, locked away, unsure of their future, not knowing they had someone championing them. If I didn’t have the hope of you…” She trailed off. “That’s what kept me from losing it and panicking. I couldn’t imagine the terror they would feel. What you do frightens me, Julian, but I understand it a little more. Why it is so important to you.”

“It’s not as important as you and Jujube are.”

“Are you sure?”

I met her eyes. “Yes.”

“You could walk away?”

I rubbed my eyes. “As Marcus and Matteo have pointed out, there are others who will take up the fight. They were right when they said, at some point, we all realize we have given all to the cause that we can.”

“And you’re at that point?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Then why are you sending me away?”

“I want to be sure you can forgive me. To give you and Julianna some space. I took that away when I made you stay here, and I won’t do that again.”

“And if I decide I can’t? Will you stay on at Hidden Justice?”


She didn’t say anything, worrying her lip. Julianna woke up, squirming and blinking, her arms flailing. Tally stood, taking her from my arms. She walked down the hall, disappearing from view, and I felt the beginning of her goodbye in her silence.

I hung my head, defeated and worn, unsure if I had just lost my family.

Later that night, I peeked in on Tally and Julianna. I had paced the apartment, unable to settle. I had so much to say, so many words in my head. I wanted to beg Tally, to make her see how much I needed her and Julianna. But I needed to give her time.

I traced my finger down Julianna’s plump cheek, her skin warm and soft under my touch. I glanced over to see Tally watching me. I was shocked when she moved, lifting the covers. I slid in beside her, wrapping her in my arms.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Men of Hidden Justice Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024