The Commander (Men of Hidden Justice 3) - Page 68

My boss wasn’t shocked when I told him I was done with Hidden Justice. He accepted my resignation with his best wishes for a good life. He understood that the price the agency extracted was high and I had found a different path. I had served them well, and it would carry on without me. My place was elsewhere now.

Regardless of Tally’s decision, wherever she was, wherever my daughter was, I would live close. My old life had no place in my new one. My role as father took precedence. My greatest hope was that husband did as well.

A voice clearing brought me out of my musings, and I met Damien’s understanding gaze.

“Are you certain?” he asked.

“Yes. You and Leo are the best to run Elite. The two of you will be great faces for the business.” Damien had fixed the weak link in the works and hired a group of trusted staff to oversee the system, which was monitored closely twenty-four seven by the most brilliant minds he knew. Protocols, files, and people were under constant surveillance. What occurred with me would never happen again thanks to his talent. He would run the systems for Hidden Justice, but he would not be part of a team. His place would be deep in the shadows so he could find a life outside of the organization and live safely. He deserved that.

Leo spoke up. “Who is taking your place?”

I shrugged. “Top secret. They’ll have their own real estate, vision, and teams. I’m technically out of the loop. The building is mine, and I’m leaving it in your hands. Everything to do with Hidden Justice is being moved to the other warehouse so it won’t touch you or the business. You can lease the place and add to the profit. I own it in the background, and we split everything the way it’s outlined in the documents. You run it as you see fit. Look after the men and take care of them. Elite is a highly profitable and successful endeavor. It will stay that way with you two running it.”

“Will you check in?”

“You two will have my information.”

Damien watched me with narrowed eyes. “Will Julian Grayson die?”

“No. The Commander will, but not my name. My documents have been altered slightly.”

We talked more about the business, I answered any questions, and once we were all satisfied, they got up to leave, shaking my hand. Leo turned at the door.

“Will we see you again?”

For a moment, I was quiet. Then I lifted my hands and shrugged.

“Perhaps. I hope so.”

I shut the drawer of my desk, looking around. I had very few personal items here. The box I had brought with me was mostly empty. It was much like the apartment before Tally had entered my life. Empty.

She sent me pictures every day. Little notes telling me about Julianna. Assuring me they were fine. The occasional video. I longed for them. I had decided to fly to the island and see them. Talk to Tally face-to-face. Stay somewhere close. I couldn’t be separated from either of them anymore. If Tally wasn’t ready, I would at least be able to visit Julianna. I knew Tally wouldn’t keep me away from her.

My phone buzzed, and I was shocked to see the call came from Tally’s cell phone. I answered, feeling anxious.

“Tally?” I asked. “Everything all right?”

“Hi,” she murmured. “Everything is good.”

I blew out a breath. “Okay. Good.”

“It’s so beautiful here,” she said.

“Yes, it is.”


“I remember,” I told her, wondering if this was leading to something. Her next words surprised me.

“I lied.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Everything isn’t good.”

“What’s wrong, baby?”

“Jujube misses her daddy.”

My breath caught. “And her mommy?”

“She misses you too. I need you, Julian. Please come back to us.” A sob caught in her voice. “Please.”

I stood. “I’m on my way, Tally. Brace yourself, because once I’m there, I’m not leaving.”

“I’m counting on it.”

“Tell Matteo to start planning that house.”

“We already have.”

“Fuck,” I swore. “I love you, Tally. Kiss Jujube and tell her that Daddy is on his way.”

“Matteo said to tell you the jet is at the airport and ready to come back as soon as you are.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow. Be waiting.”

“I will.”

She was standing on the sand, Jujube in her arms, as I stepped off the boat that took me over to the island. I rushed toward them, the distance too far, the time since I had last held them too long. The feel of my girls, my family, in my embrace brought a lump to my throat. The feel of Tally’s mouth beneath mine was like coming home. Julianna squirmed, flailing her arms, making little growly noises in her throat. I lifted her high.

“Look how you’ve grown!” I marveled at her. Her wild hair was longer, redder than it had been, curlier than ever. Her skin was sun-kissed and covered in freckles. She smiled at me—a wide, gummy grin that made me smile with her. I kissed her cheek, blowing a raspberry on it, delighting in her baby giggle, then lifted her again.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Men of Hidden Justice Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024