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Revived (The Dungeon Black Duology 2)

Page 46

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Max swapped Sean’s lobe for the lemon wedge and turned Sean’s head. Immediately, Sean latched on to it and started sucking. His lips grazed Max’s mouth, their gazes locked tight.

Max growled. Sean moaned. A heartbeat later, Max felt Sean’s hands on his thighs. Just barely palming them, but making contact all the same, as if Sean was fighting the urge to touch him, but failing miserably.

Not that Max minded. In truth, he loved when Sean touched him. Maybe because the times Sean was allowed to were so seldom, that when he finally did, it felt like an indulgence. Which was something Sean could never fucking know.

Max tugged Sean’s head back, hand still fisted his hair, that wedge still clutched between his teeth.

Sean smiled, looking dazed. “Thank you, Sir.”

Max ditched the lemon and released him, then grabbed his beer. “You’re welcome.”

Dirty Blond hustled by. “Another whiskey?”


“Alright. Two whiskeys comin’—” He spotted Sean and put on the brake. “Uh. Gonna need some ID.”

Max frowned, then stilled and glanced at Sean.

Sean scowled and pulled out his license.

Oh, Jesus. If that wasn’t a splash of reality in the face, Max didn’t know what the fuck was. Seriously. What was he doing, involved with a kid so young? Sean was still getting carded for fuck’s sake.

Max groaned under his breath. Took another hearty swig.

Scott snickered beside him.

“Shut up.”

“What.” Scott laughed. “I didn’t say—”

“You were thinking it.”

“True. I was. I was definitely thinking it.”

“Like your boy looks any older.”

“Hey.” Sean frowned, turning back. “I heard that.”

Scott inspected the ceiling. Max rolled his eyes.

Definitely time to change the subject.

Scanning the vicinity, he swigged more of his beer, then turned back to Scott. “Where’s Kai?”

Scott looked around. Glanced toward the restrooms. “Not sure. Last time I saw him, he was talking to Breck.”

* * *

Had Max known he’d end up running into Sean tonight, he never would have drunk so damn much. But he hadn’t known. And now, within the span of a half an hour, he’d downed countless shots and several beers.

In hindsight, the irony was fucking laughable. Max had gone there to drink Sean out of his head. To take a friggin’ breather and relax. What he got, however, what pretty much the opposite. A whole lot of Sean all up in his face, and an elevated heart rate that wouldn’t quit.

Fortunately, with all that alcohol pumping through his system, he didn’t really give a flying fuck. And man, did that weight off his shoulders feel good.

Irish whiskey: it gets the job done.

Should probably have another to show his gratitude.

Max hailed a bartender and ordered another shot, while a few feet away, Sean stood speaking to Jonah. His roommate—and obviously who Sean came there with—had emerged from the crowd moments ago “needing a word.” He looked different, though. Max studied him. Ah. No glasses.

Sean grinned and clapped his shoulder. Jonah bit his lip and smiled. Then just like that, the two friends parted ways. Jonah disappeared back into the masses in the direction of the exit, while Sean strode casually back to Max.

“What’s up with your roomie?”

Sean shrugged. “He’s heading out.”

“But didn’t you two come here together?”

“Yeah.” Sean smiled. “But not together-together.”

“So he’s just leaving you?”

“He is.”

Max frowned.

Sean laughed. “Don’t worry. I’m a big boy now, remember? Besides, it was important. A guy he’s been crushing on just texted him. Wants Jonah to go meet him now that he’s done with his gig.”

Max scowled. “Still feels rude.”

Sean peered at him and smiled. “I’d rather hang out with you, anyway.”

Max’s heart thump-bumped with a restless kind of happy. Probably because half of his dumb, drunk ass was glad he had Sean all to himself. Ironically, the other half of his dumb, drunk ass was now stressing for the exact same reason. Which made logical sense, even to his dumb drunk ass. He’d gone there, after all, to escape all things Sean, not to spend the entire evening with the guy.

He breathed a wary curse and downed his fresh shot, then wiped his mouth with his hand and shook his head. “I’m not the best company. Maybe you should try to catch up with him.”

Sean grinned, looking notably tipsy himself. “You’re so full of shit, Sir.” He grabbed Max’s hand. “Let’s dance.”

Max’s blood spiked hotter. He loved grinding on the dance floor but only did that shit with strangers. Never with acquaintances, and certainly not with clients. Let alone his favorite fucking sub. That would break all his rules as well as negate anonymity. The two things that ensured what he required. Distance. And a lot of it.

Again, Max shook his head. “I don’t think so. Not tonight.”

Scott appeared at Max’s side like the thorn that he was. “Don’t take no for an answer, Sean. Max is just being coy.”

Max shot him a glare.

Sean laughed at the two of them and tugged Max’s wrist. “You’ve been outed, big guy. Give it up.”

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