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Revived (The Dungeon Black Duology 2)

Page 47

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But Max refused to budge an inch. “Ain’t gonna happen. You’re wasting your time.”

Sean grinned and grabbed a hold of Scott, too. “How ‘bout all three of us then?”

Max and Scott swapped looks. Max pursed his lips.

Scott laughed, clearly amused by his expression. “Um. Maybe next time. Tonight’s not really a good—”

“Yes, it is.” Sean pulled them harder.

Looked like he was taking Scott’s advice. Advice that was now biting Scott in the ass. Which, naturally, made Max grin. Served the brat right.

Sean hauled them closer to the teeming dance floor, where bodies bumped to the loud, pounding music. He wasn’t going to give up, he had that look in his eye. The one that said resistance is futile. Max’s dick thrummed in his pants, wholly onboard. The rest of Max wasn’t far behind. Because whether or not he thought he should, he knew without a doubt it’d be fun. Dancing with Sean. Two bodies fused by one beat.

Two bodies. Two. Not three.

Max glanced at Scott, less than thrilled that he was part of the equation. Scott met his gaze, then leveled him with a look. One that said, “Get me the fuck out of this.”

Max’s lips twitched. Couldn’t help it. Scott’s expression was hilarious, his big eyes both exasperated and desperate. Thing was, Sean obviously wasn’t going to back down. Was determined to get his dance no matter what. Which meant, in order for Scott to win back his freedom, Max would have to take one for the team.

Not that it’d be a hardship. Most likely, the extreme opposite. Because conflicted brain or not, Sean was a joy. One Max didn’t feel like sharing at the moment.

Heart thumping, head buzzing, he conceded with a nod. “Alright. I’ll go. But only with you.” He pried Sean’s fingers from Scott’s wrist and made a face. “Scott’s an awful fucking dancer. I won’t be associated.”

Scott barked out a laugh. “Said the man who taught me.”

Sean grinned. “Condition accepted. Let’s go.”

A heartbeat later, they were out on the dance floor, gyrating bodies bumping them from every side. Max couldn’t help his smile no matter how hard he tried. Maybe because Sean’s own was so infectious. And, man, was he smiling as he pressed in close, radiating pure happy from head to toe. God, he loved Sean’s energy. How it stimulated his soul.

The current song ended not long after, replaced by a lighter techno jam. A Coldplay tune, heavy on the remix, its familiar beat filling the air. It entered Max’s ears, swirled around his skull, then dove into the rest of his being. Forcing him to move to its rhythm.

He clutched Sean’s sides and pulled him closer, their hips synchronizing perfectly on contact. Sean grinned and held his gaze. Max didn’t look away. Not when some dumb fuck stumbled into him from behind. Not when two chicks tried to join them. As if suddenly the club was just some big generic backdrop, animated with a bunch of sights and sound. Unable to compete in any way with the man who felt like heaven against his body.

Max savored Sean’s closeness as they moved to the music, relishing how he already felt lighter. Lighter and less rigid. Actually having a good time. He couldn’t remember ever enjoying himself like this in public. Maybe he never had. Maybe Sean was his first.

As if reading his mind, Sean smiled a little wider, rubbed his body a little harder against Max’s. His heart thudded. Sean was beautiful, so damn beautiful in his element. So captivatingly confident. So alive.

He turned Sean around, then pulled him close, one hand palming Sean’s abs from behind. Max’s other arm hung casually as he got back to dancing, leading their hips in perfect time.

Sean grinned over his shoulder, his tipsy gaze heated, churning with a happy kind of hunger. Fuck, Max loved that look. Made him want to pounce. To ravage Sean right there where they stood. His hand slid further down the front of Sean’s torso, till his splayed fingers grazed Sean’s bulging fly. Sean stiffened just briefly, then gripped Max’s wrist, as if afraid he might lose it if Max went lower.

So, naturally, Max’s drunk ass kept going. Sean clutched his arm tighter, then reached his free hand up and fisted Max’s hair. Max growled and nipped Sean’s neck. Sean jerked with a gasp.

Shit, yeah. So fun.

Max chuckled and turned Sean back again, then wedged his knee between Sean’s thighs. Sean grinned and gripped Max’s shirt. Max palmed the small of Sean’s back. Another round of grinding with their free arms at their sides, riding their raw rhythmic high. Max’s heart pounded zealously. His fuddled brain whirled. In this moment, he felt incredible, in a way he couldn’t explain. Like, somehow, someway, he was basking in Sean’s glow. Enveloped by his radiance. By his light.

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