Velvet Embrace - Page 43

Trying not to remember how it had felt pressed against her, Brie lifted her gaze to his and caught the amused gleam in his gray eyes. Realizing then how intently she had been studying him, she blushed.

She introduced her cousin to the squire, but when the conversation momentarily turned to travel, she found herself being drawn aside from the others by Dominic. When he complimented her on her becoming appearance, she glanced up at Dominic suspiciously. She knew her empire-waist gown of pale peach muslin was stylish and flattering to her figure, but his words seemed to imply something more.

Dominic smiled at her obvious mistrust. "Come now, Miss Carringdon. That was not meant as a criticism. I was growing accustomed to your unique mode of dressing. But I must confess I prefer to see a beautiful woman looking like one, rather than a man.

Brie arched a disdainful eyebrow. "Must you? I expect it is fortunate then that I don't require your approval."

"Ah," he said, shaking his head ruefully, "I can see that I have offended your sensibilities once more."

"Nonsense," Brie snapped. "I find it pleasant to have my femininity questioned by a gentleman who is noted to be an expert."

His laughter was maddening, and so was the way his gaze slowly swept her figure. "I never doubted that you are a woman, chérie," he drawled in a low voice. When his eyes met hers in an intimate, caressing glance, Brie felt a shiver run down her spine. Unable even to think of a reply, she turned away to join the others.

For the remainder of the visit, Brie tried to behave as she normally would, but she was far too conscious of Dominic. She couldn't help stealing a glance at him from time to time as they all sat drinking tea and eating finger sandwiches. Not by so much as a flicker of an eyelid was he revealing the boredom that he surely must feel in such unsophisticated company. In fact, he seemed to be putting himself out to please, conversing easily with everyone, including Rupert, and displaying a considerable amount of charm with the ladies. Not that that surprised her. She knew to her cost exactly how charming Dominic could be when he wished. But his infuriating mockery was far less pronounced today.

And that in itself was irksome. She realized now that she had overreacted to his comment about her appearance. He had simply been being polite, but she had taken offense where none was offered. What was it about Dominic Serrault that made her behave like a shrew? She didn't exactly possess an even disposition, but she had never been so churlish with any other man. She couldn't seem to curb her temper or her tongue whenever she was near him, even when he wasn't behaving outrageously or being deliberately provoking.

Brie's thoughts were so occupied with Dominic that she paid little attention to the flirtation her cousin was waging with Julian. It also was some time before she recalled the purpose of her visit and could capture the squire's attention to request an audience.

She would have preferred to do so quietly, not wanting to attract Dominic's notice or advertise the fact that she had something so unfeminine as business to discuss, but she wasn't successful. Squire Umstead—a short, stocky man with a florid face and balding head—was blessed with a good deal more sense than his son, but he was not big on subtleties. He loudly and cheerfully agreed to discuss the thieves with Brie in the library, and invited Julian as well. As they left the room, Brie saw Dominic's raised eyebrow, for the squire was already talking about how one of his dogs had been killed.

Their conversation didn't last long. Immediately afterward, Brie collected Caroline and made her excuses, not caring to be subjected

to Dominic's penetrating gaze any longer.

Shortly, Julian and Dominic also called for their horses. As they rode back to the Lodge, he satisfied Dominic's curiosity as to the subject of the discussion.

"It seems there has been some trouble in the area," he explained. "Evidences of poaching, a tool shed broken into— that sort of thing. The squire thinks it is probably some wandering gypsies, although he hasn't been able to catch the culprits. One of his tenants had a gun stolen. I've offered to help join in the search."

Dominic frowned. "This all just started a few days ago?"

"Yes, how did you know?"

"Jacques listens well. Not much escapes his attention."

"Your coachman?" Julian asked in surprise. "I realize he used to aid you in your nefarious activities across the Channel, Dom, but why the devil is this any of his business?"

"I told him to keep an eye out."

Julian grinned. "So you've set him to spying. What does he do, give you a daily report?"

Dominic returned a cool glance. "Jacques seemed to think the incidents unique enough to concern me—and I have a feeling he may be right."

"Well, he's always seemed a shady character to me, but I know the trust you put in the fellow."

"I do, and I would appreciate it if you would let me handle this, Julian, in my own way."

Julian eyed Dominic curiously, then shook his head. "Oh, no, you don't, my friend. I won't be fobbed off with this talk of appreciation. I would think by now you would trust me enough to give me some sort of explanation, preferably the truth."

"It would probably bore you."

"Unlikely. I know that closed-oyster look of yours. I have no doubt you're hiding a secret that would make any adventure of mine look tame in comparison."

Dominic's mouth twisted wryly. "Very well, but it's a long story and this is not the proper place."

Assuming a wary expression, Julian peered suspiciously at the trees beside the lane. "No one listening that I can see. But perhaps you require a dark alley on a moonless night?" When he received a sharp glance from Dominic, Julian held up a hand and grinned. "A poor joke, I know. All right, a cognac and a fire in the library will do just as well."

Julian bridled his curiosity, but it was much later before he had an opportunity to ask Dominic any questions. He had invited several of his friends to the Lodge for supper and cards, and the game lasted long into the night. It was only a few hours before dawn when Julian showed his guests to the door.

Tags: Nicole Jordan Historical
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025