Velvet Embrace - Page 44

Retuning to the drawing room, he added another log to the fire and refilled his wineglass, then settled in a comfortable chair and stretched his legs out before him, just as Dominic was doing. Both men watched the flickering flames in the hearth as Dominic proceeded to tell in clipped tones about Germain's return and the duel they had fought.

"I always thought one day your past would catch up to you," Julian said at the conclusion. "You made enough enemies among the French government to staff an army." He chuckled, remembering some of the stories he had heard about Le Poignard—Dominic's alias. "The Dagger," he translated. "The very name struck terror in the hearts of men. No, seriously, Dom, you were outstanding as a spy. I've heard both Castlereagh and Wellington sing your praises. But this man who hired Germain to kill you—surely he couldn't be connected with your spying activities. The war has been over for years. It seems unlikely he would have waited until now."

Dominic sipped his brandy, his thoughts seeming far away. "Did I say man? It could be a woman, for all I know. But you're right. It makes no sense, either way. Why would someone want the deed to the estate my father owned before his death? Whoever employed Germain knew about the deed and wanted it badly. It must have been even more important than killing me, otherwise Germain would never have resorted to showing his hand. Interesting, isn't it?"

Julian pursed his lips thoughtfully. "And you think these incidences of theft and poaching are related to what happened in London?"

"They could mean nothing, but then again, I've learned to be cautious. Germain is my prisoner for the time being. According to the message I received from Jason yesterday, Charles is still delirious with fever, but the chances of his recovering are improving. Until I can question him, I don't expect to learn much, but it is still possible that whoever hired him has one or two more ideas up his sleeve, including sending one of his assassins after me. Jacques tells me the rumors don't put the blame on anyone local."

"So you want Jacques to investigate."

Dominic sighed. "I want, my friend, to give him some time to find out whether this trouble is in anyway connected to me. He won't be able to if the whole neighborhood is alerted to his activities."

Julian nodded. "Very well, I won't interfere. But we'll have to have some reason for delaying a search. I doubt if the squire would mind having the problem taken off his hands and he would probably swallow a good story, but you won't find Brie so gullible. You had better tell her the truth."

"Not a chance. The fewer people who know about this, the better. Besides, I don't like having women involved. Even if they can be trusted, they only get in the way. I'll think of some other way to handle the lady."

Julian grinned. "I'd like to see it."

Dominic slanted him a glance. "I suggest you concern yourself with her cousin. Now there's a scheming female for you."

"Caroline? You must be joking."

Dominic's smile didn't reach his eyes. "Not a joke, my friend. A warning. She has quite an advantage over an unsuspecting fellow such as yourself. How does marriage appeal to you? For, if I'm not mistaken, that is Miss Langley's aim. And you, Julian, will be fool enough to let her tie you hand and foot and lead you to the altar before you realize you've been trapped."

"Lord, Dominic, Caroline is just a girl. I've known her for years."

Dominic smothered a yawn with his hand. "They teach them young these days. How old is she anyway, seventeen, eighteen? Old enough to marry, at any rate. I would imagine that right now, pretty little Caroline is having pleasant dreams of becoming a countess and planning how she will spend your fortune before you even inherit it."

Anger lit Julian's blue eyes, but he kept his voice even. "If Caroline seemed friendlier than usual today, it's merely because she's recovering her normal high spirits. But, however did we manage to get on this subject? If I had to guess, I'd say your jaundiced view stems from Denise Grayson's arrival this afternoon. You're aware, of course, that she chose to honor the Scofields with her presence?"

Dominic's lips twisted in a frown. "Fully aware. I received a note from Denise informing me of the fact. I can't say that I'm pleased. Did you know she intended to visit?"

"I? Not at all." Julian grinned at him. "You do seem to have a large following, Dom. First assassins and now your ex- mistress. Your visit is proving to be extremely interesting. Of course it's nothing to me if Lady Grayson decides to try her hand with you again, but I wonder what the rest of the world will make of it. People will probably think she's here at your invitation."

When Dominic scowled into his glass, saying nothing, Julian rose. "Well, it's late," he said, stretching, "and I for one' am going to retire." He crossed the room, but turned back at the door. "You know, Dom," Julian said quietly, "I cannot agree with your opinion of Caroline. And I didn't care for your remarks about her."

Dominic's eyes narrowed as he looked up. "The warning still stands."

"Don't you have enough to concern you without adding my troubles to your list? I believe I can be counted on not to play the fool."

Dominic's mouth twisted in a cynical smile. "Can you? Perhaps you don't remember what condition you were in when we first met in Vienna. You were so blinded by Brie Carringdon's charms that you couldn't see your hand in front of your face."

Noting the cold gleam in his friend's gray eyes, Julian realized it was pointless to argue. Dominic believed that love was a mental illness. "I'll not deny that I loved Brie," Julian replied, "but that was quite another matter." Then, as he turned away, he

added softly, "I pity the woman who finally engages your affections, Dominic. I expect you will make her life hell."

Julian's words seemed to linger in the air, even after he had gone, but Dominic's mind wasn't on what his friend had said. He finished his brandy, hardly noticing the warmth of the liquor on his tongue, not even seeing the glowing coals he was watching so intently. His thoughts were wrapped around a flaming haired vixen, just as they had been countless times during the past few weeks.

He knew if he were wise, he would stay away from Brie. Indeed, he should never have gotten involved with her at all. But making love to her once had only whetted his appetite for more, and he seriously doubted he would give up his pursuit of her.

It wouldn't be easy to succeed with her, especially since Brie seemed determined to avoid him. But given time, her proud defiance would crumble. His biggest difficulty would be keeping a leisurely pace for her taming. He had never found it so hard to curb his impatience. Dominic smiled wryly. It would be much simpler if he owned a castle in the wild where he could hold Brie captive, for he could have her then, with or without her consent. Unfortunately he lived in a more modern time, and he was civilized enough to want his women willing.

Yet, now he had additional complications to deal with. Brie had chosen, however unwittingly, to become involved in a situation she did not understand. He would have to insure that she became uninvolved.

And then there was Denise Grayson. Denise could not have appeared at a more inopportune time, Dominic thought sardonically. He quite sincerely wished her in Hades, but he knew he was at fault for bringing about the situation. When they had parted in London, he had seen no reason to tell Denise he merely had taken advantage of her availability. He hadn't expected her to follow him—although he might have foreseen it. Denise was always a woman with an eye out for an opportunity. She had probably deluded herself into thinking there was a chance to renew their old affair. Well, Denise would just have to be disillusioned—before she could cause trouble for him.

Wondering how Brie would react to the presence of his former mistress, Dominic grimaced. She would probably be grievously insulted, and it would be twice as hard for him even to get near her.

Tags: Nicole Jordan Historical
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025