Velvet Embrace - Page 62

He flashed her a wry smile. "I'm not so sure I deserve your gratitude. Not only was I too late to help you with Boulter, but I find now that I'm a veritable hero for rescuing you. My praises are being sung all over the district. But I would be obliged if you would let me handle this business from now on."

Brie nodded fervently. Then a shadow darkened her brow and she dropped her gaze. "I . . . I dreamed about him," she whispered. "It was horrible."

"You'll forget it after a time," Dominic said gently. "How do you feel, other than that?"

"A bit weak . . . and my ankle hurts. But you haven't told me about Jester. He's dead, isn't he?" She didn't really expect a contradiction so she wasn't surprised when Dominic remained silent.

He took the empty plate and glass from her and placed them on the tray. "Let me see your ankle," he commanded. Without waiting for permission, he sat beside Brie and pushed the covers aside, exposing her injured foot. He ignored her sharp intake of breath as he grasped her leg and carefully began to unwrap the cloth that bound her ankle.

Brie bit her lip as Dominic examined her injury, experiencing acute agony. But it wasn't her bruised limb that was causing her such discomfort. It was the touch of Dominic's warm fingers on her bare calf. His unintentional caress made her pulse quicken and her skin suddenly feel overheated. Brie shivered with warmth, trying to will the sensations away. When Dominic recommended that she leave off the bandage, the casualness in his voice made her want to hit him. Didn't he notice the unnerving effect he was having on her? Was he totally immune to the hot little flames that were shooting up her leg and making her entire body throb?

Then Dominic looked up and met her gaze, and Brie knew by the dark flames in his eyes that he wasn't as unaffected as he pretended to be. She felt his fingers tighten around her ankle, and as she stared at him, the sound of the crackling fire seemed to fade away.

Returning her gaze, Dominic swallowed hard. She was too damned desirable, sitting there in her prim nightgown, with her hair streaming around her shoulders, reflecting the dancing light of the fire. The covers had slipped to her waist, and he couldn't prevent his eyes from sliding downward to devour the thrusting mounds beneath the soft woolen robe. He ached to take her in his arms, to crush those soft breasts against his chest.

Brie felt the bold caress of his gaze like a physical fondling. She shuddered, and nervously wet her trembling lips with her tongue. Slowly then, hesitantly, she raised a shaking hand and reached out to him.

Dominic jumped as if he had been burnt. He stood up quickly, muttering a brusque goodnight, and turned to leave. He was almost to the door before Brie spoke, her voice a mere whisper. "Dominic . . . don't go. Please . . . I don't want to be alone."

Her plea touched his heart, but he knew if he stayed one moment more, he couldn't refrain from taking her. Torn between common sense and his own desires, he rested his forehead against the wooden panel of the door. A low sound that was half groan, half growl escaped his lips. "I'm not a bloody saint, Brie. I'm a man, with a man's needs. And I want you. But then, you know that, don't you?" He gave a soft, derisive laugh. "And here I stand, like a stupid fool, damning your lovely eyes and wishing that you weren't so desirable." He paused, then added with quiet anguish, "Damn you to hell, you little witch. What kind of spell have you woven around me?"

Not sure how to reply, Brie watched Dominic in silence. He was struggling with himself; that much was obvious from the way he was clenching his fists. But why? She didn't think it was because of any moral principles that he seemed suddenly determined to observe the proprieties. A man of his stamp would not have any qualms about making love to her, not when she had practically issued him an invitation. And he had said he wanted her. So what was stopping him?

Brie bit her lip, wondering what she should do. Dominic's sudden shifts from savage to tender and back again were as confusing as they were frustrating. But he had to care for her a little. He had risked his life for her the night of the fire, and she hadn't imagined the gentleness he had shown her then; or yesterday in the meadow when she had needed him to hold and comfort her. But now he was acting almost as if he were afraid to touch her—

But perhaps he was afraid. Perhaps his rebuffs had not been deliberate cruelty. Perhaps he simply didn't want to be attracted to her, to become attached to her. That she could understand. For years she herself had been afraid to love, afraid to be exposed again to the pain of giving her heart where it wasn't wanted. But it wasn't fear that drove Dominic, Brie surmised. It was something stronger, something far more bitter. Hatred, perhaps?

She was only guessing, but her intuition told her she was right. And there only one response she could give. Slipping out of bed, Brie went to him, her arms encircling his lean waist as she pressed herself against his broad back. Tenderly, she rubbed her cheek against the soft linen of his shirt, feeling the hard muscles beneath. "It is surely a spell, Dominic, but I am caught in it as well. Please," she begged softly, "don't leave me."

Dominic turned slowly, as if not daring to believe what she was saying. Placing a finger under her chin, he tilted her head back so he could look into her eyes. They were soft and liquid and incredibly lovely. Dominic sucked in his breath. "I won't be content with only a kiss or two," he said hoarsely. "And if I stay, it will be for the entire night."

Brie nodded wordlessly. Dominic hesitated a moment longer, searching the fragile features of her face for any sign of the fear she had once shown him. When he found none, he slipped an arm about her waist, catching her close so he could feel her soft breasts against his chest.

As he slowly bent his head, Brie parted her lips in breathless anticipation and braced herself for the impact. But then Dominic's mouth came down upon hers and she lost the ability to think. Desire flowed between them like a warm current, flooding Brie with sensations that left her weak and trembling.

When his tongue slid between her teeth, delving deeply, she clung to him in surrender. She no longer cared that he was an experienced rake who know how to ply his skills to his own advantage. She no longer cared if he had kissed a hundred other women in exactly this same way. The taste and smell of him was intoxicating, filling her, making her yearn for more of him. She pressed closer, wanting to give herself completely.

She was vaguely aware of Dominic's practiced hands stroking her back, of his husky voice whispering her name as he spread flaming kisses over her face. She could feel the moist heat of his open mouth as he nuzzled at her throat. Moaning softly, she tilted her head back to allow his lips better access.

Her passionate response set him on fire.

With shaking fingers, Dominic relieved her of her wrapper, then her nightgown, sliding the garments down over her shoulders and letting them fall to the floor. Stepping back, he let his gaze range her full length. He was tantalized by Brie's naked beauty. Her slender, silken limbs and high, firm breasts were made for a man's caress—his caress. Her skin gleamed pale and golden in the candlelight, and he felt a fierce desire to touch and taste every inch of her.

As if he could no longer wait to have her, Dominic swept Brie up in his arms and carried her to the bed. Laying her down gently, he pressed her shoulders back against the soft pillows. Yet now that the moment was at hand, Dominic found he wanted to draw it out, to linger in its sweetness. Taking his time would only heighten the pleasure of making love to her.

He undressed slowly, keeping his eyes on Brie, savoring the view of her lovely body. She was beautiful, with her glorious hair cascading over the pillows, her smoke-darkened eyes heavy-lidded with desire. A sweet ache filled him as he thought of what was to come.

Caught up in similar emotions, Brie wasn't aware how intently she watched as Dominic removed his shirt. She gazed at him hungrily, admiring the magnificence of his shoulders and bronzed chest, thinking how much his movements resembled the sleek, sinuous grace of his stallion.

Her eyes widened perceptively when Dominic slid his breeches down over his narrow hips; the sight of his fully erect manhood made her catch her breath. She knew no fear, though—not even when Dominic stretched his long length out beside her on the bed. She wanted to be in his arms, to feel his hard, muscular body pressed against hers. She wanted to belong to him, to become part of him. She gazed at him expectantly, holding her breath.

Dominic propped himself up on one elbow and drew a finger down the smooth column of her throat to the hollow between her breasts. He could feel the rapid beat of her heart against his palm as he splayed his fingers. With tantalizing slowness, he let his hand wander over the swelling curves, caressing her satin-smooth skin, stroking softly. Brie closed her eyes and shuddered. This delightful torment was not what she had expected, but Dominic showed no inclination of stopping.

He aroused her nipples to diamond-hard points, pinching gently and rolling the aching buds between his fingers until Brie had to bit her lip to keep from moaning out loud. When he bent to kiss the tips of her breasts, she gasped with pleasure, arching wantonly against his hot mouth. His tongue brushed a taut peak, erotically teasing the sensitive flesh and making Brie writhe. Blindly she reached for him, curling her fingers through his dark hair, wondering if she would survive Dominic's tender assault.

He languidly laved each nipple, setting her nerves on fire with each flick of his tongue as he expertly tutored her in the art of love. And when he had stimulated her senses to a feverish pitch, he slowly slid his hand down to caress the insides of her thighs and the softness between. Brie quivered as his fingers gently explored, but she no more wanted to stop him than she wanted to stop breathing. She wanted to be stroked and caressed by that bold hand, wanted him to put an end to the aching need he aroused in her. She was trembling by the time he raised his head, and her skin was flushed with heat.

"Please . . . she whispered, pleading with him to continue. Urgently, she wrapped her arms around Dominic's neck, pulling his head down, seeking his lips.

Tags: Nicole Jordan Historical
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025