Velvet Embrace - Page 63

His gray eyes glittered in triumph. Obligingly, he clamped his mouth over Brie's, driving his tongue deeply into her honeyed recesses.

Brie surrendered willingly to the sweet fierceness of his kiss, parting her lips ardently under his. She clung to him, oblivious to everything except his touch and the longing she felt for him.

Hot blood surged through Dominic's veins as he felt her fiery response. His lips twisted hungrily against hers, ravaging, taking, giving back again. When he could no longer resist the urge to possess her, he positioned himself between her parted thighs and entered her carefully, fusing their bodies together.

Brie whimpered as his throbbing maleness filled her. When she arched against him, Dominic nearly lost control, but he savagely clamped down on his body's urges. "Slowly, chérie," he murmured against her mouth. "We have all night." Lowering his lips to her quivering breasts once more, he withdrew from her slowly, then thrust into her again, beginning a rhythm that was calculated to arouse her totally.

Dominic made love to her slowly, exquisitely. Again and again, he stroked her with his hardness, thrusting deeply, then drawing away, deliberately prolonging the ecstatic torture.

His erotic attentions drove Brie into a frenzy. She wrapped her legs around his iron-hewed thighs,, grinding her hips against his in an attempt to ease the intense ache that was making her whole body throb. But her efforts brought no relief. Dominic continued his unhurried movements while his mouth made a leisurely meal of her breasts.

Sobbing now, Brie clutched at his shoulders, her hands urging, pleading. But he only captured her wrists and clamped them above her head. She could only writhe helplessly beneath him, waiting for the moment when he chose to end his rapturous torment.

Only when Dominic had driven her to the brink of mindless passion did he raise his head from where he was feasting on her breasts. "Look at me, Brie," he said hoarsely. "I want to see what I do to you." At his command, her eyelids fluttered open, and he could see how dark and slumberous her eyes had become. The pupils were wide and dilated, but the irises were a smokey forest green.

Dominic took her again then, swiftly and fiercely, greedily watching her expression as she began to lose control.

Brie surged against him, clinging to him in desperation. She was drowning; she was falling; she was rocketing to the stars. She cried out Dominic's name, her nails digging into his hard flesh as spasms of delight shot through her body.

Her impassioned cry was captured by Dominic's burning lips, and when he felt her violent tremors, he lost the iron control he had been holding on himself. He groaned, feeling his own muscles grow rigid as a fierce urgent ache suddenly exploded up through his body.

They recovered slowly. Their passion spent, they lay limply entwined, their breathing gradually returning to normal.

Dominic moved first, lifting himself on his elbows to relieve Brie of some of his weight. Brie merely lay where she was, throbbing with warmth, enjoying the heavy feel of him and the warm dampness of his skin.

When she at last floated back to full consciousness, it was to find Dominic gazing down at her with tenderness. Her own eyes were soft and languid as they searched his face. "I . . . I never knew anything could be so wonderful," she murmured.

Laughter rumbled deep in his chest as he brushed a damp curl from her cheek. "Nor I, my vixen," Dominic replied softly. "Nor I."

He delayed his withdrawal to nibble on her ear, then carefully eased his weight from her. Rolling on his side, he pulled Brie against him, nestling her in the curve of his body. When he had drawn the covers up over them, he lay there holding her, wondering at the strange contentment that had stolen over him.

The warmth lulled Brie into a doze, but sleep eluded Dominic. Absently he fingered one of her burnished curls, breathing in the soft fragrance as he tried to make some sense of his feelings.

He was surprised at the intense passion he had aroused in her, but he was more surprised at himself. He had expected his desire to subside once he had satisfied his body's needs, but here he was, holding her tightly, wanting to keep her close always.


Ridiculous, Dominic told himself—and impossible, besides. Brie had spirit, wit, beauty, everything he could want in a mistress, but while she might have derived as much pleasure from their lovemaking as he had, she would never consent to such an arrangement. She would be offended were he even to suggest it. And what did he want with a little firebrand like Brie anyway? She was an infuriating vixen—beautiful, certainly— but infuriating.

He still wanted her, though. That much was certain. She stirred his blood as no other woman ever had. He would probably grow tired of her after a time . . . but not yet. Dominic smiled to himself, feeling his desire kindle anew.

Brie woke to the pleasant sensation of Dominic's hands caressing her body. Drowsily, she turned and wrapped her arms around his neck, lifting her face for his kiss. When he possessed her mouth, she could sense the urgency of his passion. She parted eagerly for his invading tongue and kissed him back as he had taught her to do—deeply, invitingly.

She was surprised when a moment later Dominic lay back and pulled her on top of him. Brie looked at him questioningly.

"I know how much you enjoy riding astride," he said, his gray eyes gleaming at her.

Blushing, Brie traced a pattern on his bare chest with her forefinger. "Who could refuse such a fine mount, milord?" she replied with brazen impudence.

Dominic grinned and curled his hand behind her neck, drawing her lips down to meet his, letting her silken hair spill over them both in a rippling mantle.

For a long while no more words were spoken. When the heat of their desire had mounted to a feverish pitch, Dominic's stroking hands slid down Brie's back, over the soft curves of her buttocks. Holding her hips, he lifted her up, positioning her above him.

Brie sucked in her breath when he impaled her on his heated shaft, but she arched her back instinctively, wanting more of him.

He began to move then, thrusting deeply inside her, his rhythm slow but sure. Brie followed, tentatively at first, then with more confidence, and it was only a short while before she was gasping. Her fingers tightened on Dominic's shoulders as a sweet piercing throb began to radiate from her very center. Closing her eyes, she gave a guttural moan that was half sob, half cry.

The primitive sound inflamed Dominic. Grasping her hips, he began a relentless, driving rhythm, watching with hungry satisfaction as Brie's head fell back in surrender. He wanted her to discover the depths of her own passion, wanted her writhing with need.

Tags: Nicole Jordan Historical
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025