Velvet Embrace - Page 64

His sweet-savage movements at last sent her over the edge. He felt the shattering ecstasy that rocked her body, felt her rigid, quivering response. Only then did Dominic allow himself one final fierce thrust that ended in wild, surging pleasure for himself


Chapter Eleven

He left before the dawn. Unable to sleep, Brie lay in bed, watching the gray morning light banish the night's shadows. She already missed Dominic's warmth, but her expanded knowledge of womanhood had given her something to ponder.

She knew now what the poets meant when they wrote about love and desire. Several times during the night she had tasted passion in the fullest sense, and she had found it a breathtaking experience. Dominic had satisfied her unnamed desires beyond her wildest imaginings. Remembering the feel of his hard, driving male body, the heavy pressure of his loins against hers, Brie felt a warm blush steal over her skin. She hugged her pillow to her stomach, quivering with joy and remembered pleasure. How glorious it had been to be held in Dominic's arms, to surrender to his embrace.

But it was more than just physical desire she felt for him. The longing was in her heart as well. She didn't regret last night. She had been proud that he had wanted her, desired her. Desire—not love. Yet. But perhaps in time Dominic might come to love her.

Determinedly, Brie ignored the thrill of anticipation that thought engendered. She would not let herself dwell too specifically on her future with Dominic. He was leaving today, and although he had promised to call this morning, it would be at least a week before she would see him again in London, if even then. She had learned very little about his plans when they had lain awake last night talking. Dominic had not divulged what he meant to do about the threat on his life, but he had intimated that the business might take him out of the country for a time.

Her own departure for London was planned for the following Friday. Each year at Katherine's insistence, she spent several weeks in town, replenishing her wardrobe and attending the various entertainments the season offered. Katherine would have liked her to choose a husband from among the many gentlemen she met, Brie knew, but she had never found any man who could induce her to risk her heart again. Yet she had often made contacts that benefited her training stables, and that, as much as the enjoyment she derived from the brief visits, kept her going back each year. This trip she would also be taking Caroline home, and since Julian intended to return to his house in town, he would act as their escort.

For a moment, Brie considered moving up the date of her departure, but she quickly discarded the idea. She would place no demands on Dominic, create no ties except those that developed naturally. And if they didn't develop? She shied away from the question. It was enough now to savor her new experience, her love. She had never felt so intensely alive or eager to begin a new day.

She needed a bath, though, Brie thought with a wry smile. Dominic's masculine scent still clung faintly to her skin, and her thighs were sticky with the proof of his passion. She also needed to straighten the room. The bedclothes were in a wild tangle and her nightwear was strewn all over the carpet. It was very obvious that something out of the ordinary had happened, and while she herself was not terribly disturbed by her wanton behavior, she knew Katherine would think it scandalous.

When Brie could safely assume the household was stirring, she rang for a maid and ordered hot water for a bath. When she was immersed in the tub, she relaxed back against the rim, letting the heat soothe her sore muscles. After the emotional onslaught of the past few days, it was good to dwell on nothing but pleasant thoughts. The water felt sensuous against her skin, evoking memories of Dominic's hands and lips. Brie felt a tremor run up her spine as she remembered his tantalizing caresses. They had made her gasp with pleasure, while his burning kisses had left searing trails on her flesh. . . . Brie brought herself up short. She simply could not let herself dwell on such things. She would be blushing all day long.

She made herself concentrate on the task of washing her hair, then the rest of her body, and only after the water had grown quite tepid did she leave her bath. She was drying her thick tresses before the fire when her tranquility was disturbed by Katherine's entrance.

Surprisingly, though, her companion's anxious concern didn't irritate her as it once might have done. She meekly submitted to Katherine's probing inquisition and then dutifully agreed to spend the day doing nothing more strenuous than reading. After breakfast, she found herself ensconced in the drawing room with a book and Caroline for company.

Brie quickly discovered that her powers of concentration had deserted, her, however. The same printed lines of her book kept reappearing and her mind kept wandering dreamily. Caroline, too, was a distraction. The girl obviously suspected what had happened last night, for twice Brie looked up to find herself being regarded speculatively.

Being the object of such intense scrutiny annoyed her. Her feelings were too new to be subjected to Caroline's romantic conjectures. The next time she found herself being watched, she snapped at her cousin, saying she would prefer solitary confinement to Caroline's plaguesome presence.

Caroline obligingly turned her attention to her needlework, but a smile played on her lips. "I beg your pardon, Brie," she replied serenely, "but I find it odd that you have not turned a single page in half an hour. Perhaps a light novel would be more to your liking." Brie started to retort, but just then Garby announced Lord Stanton.

"Show his lordship in, by all means," Caroline ordered with irritating calm, while Brie panicked. What would she say to him? What did a woman say to a man who just a few hours before had shared the intimacies of her bed?

Brie hardly knew where to look when Dominic entered the room, but she was immediately aware of the sheer magnetism that seemed to emanate from him. When she finally found the courage to meet his eyes, her heart did a violent little somersault in her chest, for Dominic was smiling at her—that sweet, melting smile that always turned her limbs to honey. It was all she could do to keep from gazing at him like a moonstruck schoolgirl.

But their meeting really was not as awkward as she had feared. She was at least able to manage an outward show of calm when Dominic greeted her, and his casual attitude when he asked how she was feeling did much to put her at ease. He expressed his regret that he had been called away to London, then turned to speak to Caroline, giving Brie time to compose herself.

She wasn't required to contribute much to the conversation, either. The banter that ensued between Dominic and her cousin surprised her, though. Caroline seemed to have reached some sort of understanding with him, Brie decided as she listened to the girl's artless chatter.

Dominic stayed only a short while, but when he took his leave, he requested the honor of calling on the two cousins when they arrived in London.

Brie extended her hand to him in farewell, wishing it wouldn't tremble so. "But of course, my lord," she said, trying to keep her voice even. "After the events of the past few weeks, life here may seem rather dull without you. Although I fervently hope there will not be quite so much excitement when we next meet."

His warm grin made her heart flutter. "Vixen," Dominic murmured softly as he brought her hand to his lips. When his tongue lightly brushed her knuckles, Brie was reminded so vividly of the passion they had shared that she gasped.

Hearing her sudden intake of breath, Dominic released her hand, but he stood looking down at her for a long moment before turning and striding from the room. Brie let out her breath slowly. Never before did a week seem like such an eternity.

Brie had known Katherine would be shocked to learn about her affair with Dominic, but Dominic's visit that morning had repercussions even Brie hadn't forseen.

At the same moment Dominic was saying farewell, Katherine was leaving the house. Having satisfied herself that Brie was recuperating, she had planned to call on a tenant's sick child and had ordered the tilbury brought around.

She saw the elegant travelling coach drawn by four magnificent bays standing in the drive, but beyond noting the impressive crest on the side panel, she paid no particular attention to the carriage or its driver. She had almost reached her own vehicle when she heard a man gruffly exclaim in French, "Mon Dieu! Could it be? Madame Briggs!"

Hearing the

name she hadn't used in nearly twenty-five years, Katherine turned slowly, afraid of what she might find. The coachman had jumped down and was waving for a groom to hold his horses. When Katherine realized who he was, she took an involuntary step backward, all color draining from her face.

It had been nearly a quarter of a century since she had last seen Jacques, but she had no trouble recognizing the burly Frenchman. He had changed little since then, except perhaps to grow a little broader at the girth. When Katherine had known him, Jacques had been a groom on the Valdois estate, while she had been companion to Lisette Durham and governess to Lisette's daughter Suzanne.

Tags: Nicole Jordan Historical
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025