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Ecstasy (Notorious 4)

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Her reserve puzzled Kell at first. Last night in his bed, she had been so flame hot, so hungry for him, that she’d practically torn his clothes off. But then last night she had been suffering under the influence of a powerful aphrodisiac. And she hadn’t known who he was-a half-Irish gamester who was rumored to be a murderer.

Resentment returned to settle in his gut. The fact that Raven Kendrick had a beloved Irish groom and professed not to be repulsed by his Irish roots didn’t convince Kell that she was different from the other contemptuous, purebred English members of her class. Certainly his blue-blooded bride would be comparing him to the duke she should have wed. And naturally she would find a mere commoner sorely lacking.

Kell’s fingers tightened reflexively around his wineglass-but then he swore at himself. What the devil did it matter what his bride thought of him? After tonight they would not need to see much of each other.

Yet that galled him as well. Raven considered him good enough to save her from disaster but not good enough to make a life with her as her husband-even if he didn’t in the least want that sort of life with her.

He wanted her, though. Kell bit back an oath. The pain of his wound throbbed less than the pain in his groin.

“Shall we retire?” he said finally, struggling to control his foul mood.

His wife visibly stiffened. And when Kell pushed back his chair and came around the table to help her rise, she hesitated, staring up at him with wide blue eyes.

“I thought you said you were not afraid of me,” he said tightly.

She bit her lower lip. “I am not, really.”

“Then stop looking like a frightened doe. I have no intention of assaulting you. Sex is more pleasurable when the woman is willing.”

His sardonic comment made her chin rise, which was precisely what Kell had hoped for. He preferred her blue eyes flashing defiance, for then he wouldn’t experience the illogical feeling that he was taking advantage of her.

Kell stood back as she rose and, with a gesture of his arm, invited her to precede him from the room. He escorted her upstairs to the master bedchamber and let her enter first. The room was softly lit by a single lamp, while a fire burned warmly in the hearth-perfectly appropriate for a bridal couple on their wedding night.

As he closed the door behind them, he saw Raven stop and take stock of the huge bed with its brocade curtains. The covers had been turned down invitingly. Her glance quickly shied away to focus on anything else.

“I suppose this is where you conduct your orgies?” she asked-whether out of belligerence or curiosity or merely to buy time, he wasn’t certain.

“What would a well-bred young lady know about orgies?” he drawled.

“Several gentlemen of my acquaintance are members of the Hellfire League, and I’ve heard rumors… It isn’t difficult to guess what sort of wicked perversions occur at their gatherings.”

The Hellfire League, Kell knew, was a notorious group of rakes and adventurers. But he had never been invited to join their distinguished ranks.

“I haven’t conducted an orgy in quite some time,” Kell said dryly.

“You cannot make me believe you are not a rake.”

“Then I won’t attempt to,” he retorted. “But I will say that I prefer one bed partner at a time. And that I am not particularly fond of perversions.”

When she clasped her fingers together and looked away, he decided she was simply nervous.

“If it will reassure you, vixen, I’ll promise to try to control my rakehell lusts. Should I fail, you can always shoot me again.”

At his deliberate taunt, her chin shot up while a frown scored her beautiful features. “I said I was sorry for that.”

Kell sighed. “So you did. Let’s just get this over with, shall we?”

He started to remove his cravat and found Raven staring at him again. “It is customary to get undressed before bed, madam wife.”

“Must we…so soon? I scarcely know you.”

“You weren’t nearly this shy last night.”

“But I was drugged last night. I recall little about what happened.”

Kell studied her, wondering at the truth of her claim. It was possible that in her drugged state she hadn’t been entirely aware of her actions or how passionate her response had been. It irked him that he was the only one who remembered their scorching, unforgettable night together. Yet he couldn’t credit that she was as innocent as she was pretending.

“Allow me to refresh your memory then. You nearly ravished me. You weren’t the least intimidated.”

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