Dare to Trust (The Dare 1) - Page 4

“Excuse me,” she said as she heard Jack tell Vicky to leave and that they weren’t interested in what she was offering.

“But you were interested the other night. Three times,” she said.

Marlena was placing the cups down.

“Cool it, Vicky. Your lies don’t work with us. You’re delusional,” Danny told her.

“Me? You know you want a piece of this. Hell, the three of you been sniffing around for months. Now, you can’t seriously be blowing me off,” she was saying as Marlena was passing the cup of coffee to Jack. She pulled back the tray, noticing the men staring at her, not Vicky.

“Are you kidding me? She’s a mouse,” Vicky yelled out, slamming down on the tray and sending the hot coffee onto Marlena. As Vicky stormed out, Marlena cried out and bent forward, trying to pull her blouse out to get the hot liquid away from her skin. The men stood up.

“Oh God, Marlena,” Jack yelled out.

“Here grab the cloth, some cold water quickly,” Danny said and Marlena pushed his hand away. She could feel her skin burning. She felt the tears reach her eyes. She needed to get this blouse off. The place erupted in chaos and she was embarrassed, in pain, and angry. She pulled away and hurried behind the counter, passing a concerned Roy and then Regan as she headed to the side bathroom. She closed the door and unbuttoned her blouse, pulling it open. Her skin was bright red along her ribs and belly. She felt the tears in her eyes and with shaking hands turned on the faucet.

The door opened and there was Mike. She pulled her blouse over her bra, covering her breasts.

“Go away. I’m fine. I’ve got this,” she said and scrunched her eyes together as her skin felt on fire.

“I can’t believe she did that. I swear that woman is an idiot. Let me take a look, Marlena. I know first aid. I know about burns.”

She shook her head as Rita came in.

“Here’s the first aid kit and some burn cream.”

“I’m okay, Rita. Just give me a minute and I’ll finish up the last tables.”

“Don’t be silly. You let Mike check out that burn and get some burn cream on it. While I take care of the tables and Roy calms down Danny and Jack.”

“Please tell them it’s okay. I’ll be fine,” she said and felt the tears on her eyelashes.

Rita left the bathroom and Mike stepped closer. “Let me see the damage.”

She lifted her blouse, holding it against her breasts so he couldn’t see.

He held her gaze and licked his lower lip. He took a deep breath and then looked down. His face scrunched up and he knelt down lower.

“Son of a bitch. This is going to blister. That stupid bitch. I swear that woman needs a swift kick in her ass.”

“You sound like you don’t like her.”

He looked upward, locking gazes with Marlena, then opened up the first aid kit. He looked so huge kneeling down in the small bathroom and in full uniform. He was big, tall, and so very handsome. She felt her belly flutter and certain parts come to life being this close to him. She swallowed hard. She didn’t need any trouble. She had enough back in Connecticut.

“Who said I like her? My brothers and I can’t stand her.”

“Then why did you sleep with—”

She bit her lip and stopped from talking.

She felt Mike’s hands on her hips and then he gave them a squeeze. She looked at him.

“Don’t believe everything you hear, darling. People lie all the time.”

“You don’t have to tell me,” she replied, staring at him.

“Lift that blouse higher. This is going to sting a bit. I just want to wash my hands to ensure that they’re clean.”

He stood up and squeezed next to her to wash his hands with soap and water in the sink. He reached past her, brushing slightly against her breasts and the blouse she held in a death grip against her body.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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