Dare to Trust (The Dare 1) - Page 5

“I can do this, Mike. You should go back to enjoy lunch with your brothers.” He stepped in front of her, lowering his eyes as if peeking at the gap to check out her cleavage. She wanted him, too. The thought surprised her.

“Let’s get something straight, Marlena. You are our number-one concern. You’re too beautiful, too sweet to have to feel any pain. What Vicky did was unacceptable and downright mean. She’ll pay for it. Now let me take care of you.”

She swallowed hard and nodded her head.

“Good girl,” he whispered. Those blue eyes held hers and damn it did her pussy just leak some serious cream. The man was so sexy he should be illegal.

She held her breath as he prepared to place some burn cream onto her ribs and belly. His hard thick fingers caressed softly.

He paused a moment. “What’s this?” he asked. She swallowed hard. She didn’t have to look down. The hip-hugger

black dress pants she wore revealed her hips and the scar from the burn she got from the fire Peter set.

“It’s nothing. I’ve had it for a long time,” she told him.

“You’ve gotten burned before?” he questioned.

“Hazards of being a waitress, I guess.” She lied and looked away from him. He didn’t need to know the truth. No one did. It was bad enough she allowed Peter to control her life, her every move. She didn’t have to reveal how stupid and gullible she had been. The older, sexy man with charm and power turned her world upside down and then lost all control and tried to kill her. Yeah, she definitely needed to keep that to herself.

She swallowed hard. She took quick breaths as he spoke to her and eased her pain.

“That’s it, nice and easy breaths, I’m almost through. You’re very strong, Marlena.”

The door opened and she gasped then closed her eyes. Danny and Jack were there.

“Are you okay? Is it bad?” Jack asked.

“I’m applying some burn cream. Hopefully it doesn’t blister,” Mike said.

She opened her eyes and locked gazes with Jack. His blue eyes held hers then his eyes swept over her breasts.

There was no way the two of them could fit into the small bathroom with her and Mike.

“I’ll be fine. Don’t worry. Please just go finish eating,” she said to them as Mike pulled back.

“I’m going to apply some gauze to place over the cream. It might be smart to go see Dr. Anders.”

She shook her head. “I’m fine, Mike. Really. It’s just a burn,” she said, and in her mind she had flashbacks of Peter, and how he torched her apartment in anger and how she nearly died in the fire. She shivered.

Marlena felt the hand on her waist then another hand take her hand.

She opened her eyes. Mike’s hand lay half over her hip and ass. Jack’s held her hand.

“Are you okay? That coffee was piping hot.”

She nodded her head and pulled her hand from his.

“Please, go back out there to eat. I feel terrible for ruining your lunch.”

“Ruining our lunch? That wasn’t your fault, that was Vicky’s,” Danny said from behind Jack.

“Just go. Please,” she said and tried stepping away from Mike.

“Let me tape this last side so the gauze stays in place. He unrolled the tape and added it to the bandage and against her skin. He stood up and she held the blouse against her chest. Mike stared at her.

“You sure that you’re okay?”

She nodded her head. “Go. Please,” she whispered.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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