Dare to Trust (The Dare 1) - Page 11

“Now, son, I know you and your brothers are concerned considering you were here when she got burned and caused the confrontation, but she’s a grown woman who likes to keep to herself. Respect that,” Regan said to them.

“We didn’t cause Vicky to do that,” Danny said.

“You don’t think so? Marlena is a very attractive young woman. She turns down men’s offers left and right for dates around here. So when a piece of jealous trash like Vicky comes sniffing around and sees competition, the nails come out. Poor Marlena hadn’t a clue it was coming,” their mom said, and it sounded like she was warning them to stay clear. Like maybe she thought her own sons weren’t good enough for Marlena.

Marlena entered the kitchen, posting two more orders up onto the rack that displayed the orders that needed to be made.

She cringed when she reached up and then she took a deep breath. Before any of them could say anything to her, she disappeared back out into the diner.

Jack went up to their mom. He wrapped his arms around her waist and placed his head on her shoulder. “Now, Mom, you telling us you don’t think your own sons are good enough for Marlena?”

She swung her head toward him.

“Jack Montgomery Spencer, you dare hurt that girl or break her heart, I swear I’ll take a rolling pin to that hard head of yours.”

“Mom, come on. Have you ever seen the three of us like the same woman? Ever see us interested in a woman at the same time?” Jack asked.

She looked at Roy and Regan, who shrugged their shoulders.

“That’s what I thought,” Jack said, releasing her then grabbing a fresh piece of carrot off the counter.

“Jack, I’m warning you and your brothers. She’s special. She’s sweet and I like her.”

“So do we,” Danny said as he leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed and staring at their mom.

She peeked through the divider where the food went up.

“Then you’d better get out there and make your intentions known, ’cause Deputy Taylor Dawn is out there with two of his brothers, and they’ve been eyeing over Marlena for a week.”

* * * *

Marlena was feeling her side burn. She was pretty sure she burst one of the blisters if not all of them that were on her side. She wanted to cry it hurt so bad, but she knew it wasn’t as bad as a real burn. When that happened she could hardly breathe through the pain.

She was avoiding the kitchen best she could and was glad she only had two tables left. But then Deputy Taylor Dawn and his two brothers Kurt and Warner arrived. Taylor was in uniform and looking good as usual. Her friends were right, the majority if not all the law enforcement in town were attractive. His brothers were very good-looking, too, but kind of rough and rugged. They had looks in their eyes that warned people to make smart choices. She smiled wide as she greeted them.

“Good afternoon, gentleman, how are ya today?” she asked.

“We’re doing good, Marlena, how are you?” Taylor asked her.

“I’m good, thanks. Can I start you off with something to drink?” she asked. They gave her their drink orders but Kurt seemed preoccupied or like he was looking for someone.

“Is everything okay, Kurt?” she asked him.

“Oh yeah, doll, just wondering if your friend Mercedes was around. Sheriff said she was headed here for an early lunch. He’s got a meeting and needs her help in an hour.”

“Oh, no, Mercedes doesn’t usually come here for lunch. She loves enjoying lunch down by the lake in the park by the table behind the gazebo. It’s her favorite place to go to relax. So do you need a few more minutes or are you ready to order?” she asked.

Kurt and his brothers seemed disappointed.

“I think we’re ready, honey,” Warner said to her. She noticed their eyes whisk at something behind her but then back at her again. Their personalities changed a little. They went from being interested in Mercedes and finding out where she was to looking her over and smiling a bunch. They gave their lunch orders and then Taylor leaned back and held her gaze.

“We never see you out at any of the local spots. Where do you like to hang out, Marlena?” he asked.

She felt a bit nervous and wondered why he was asking. She thought these men were interested in Mercedes. Maybe they weren’t. But then she felt the hand on her shoulder and at the same time that she flinched, she turned and saw Mike and inhaled his familiar scent.

“Well if it isn’t the Dawn brothers. Are they treating my girl okay, or do you need me to put them in their places, Marlena?” Mike asked. She was shocked at him calling her his girl in front of these local men. She also felt a bit of fluttering in her belly like she enjoyed the sound of being his girl. But she needed to remind herself that she wasn’t his girl. She didn’t belong to anyone.

“What the heck are you doing here on your days off?” Warner asked as he stood up from the table. That was when she realized Jack and Danny were there, too. She felt her belly tighten and her body begin to shake.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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