Dare to Trust (The Dare 1) - Page 12

“If you’ll excuse me, please, I’ll get this order in for you gentleman and get the drinks right out to ya.”

“No problem, honey. You take your sweet time,” Kurt said and winked at her.


nbsp; She felt Mike squeeze her shoulder. “We’ll grab the table in the back corner and wait for you,” he whispered. She turned around to hurry to the kitchen to put in the food order then to make the drinks.

“Ain’t never seen those three look so pissed off before. When were you going to tell me that you snagged those three sexy Gods?” Alice, the other waitress, asked her. Marlena was shocked. She felt embarrassed as she glanced up to see Rita looking as well as Roy and Reagan.

“I didn’t snag up anyone. I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said to Alice. Then she turned around to make the ice teas for the men.

“Honey, not only do they like you, but they’re making their claim, setting down the perimeters, and enforcing their territory.”

“What in God’s name are you talking about? I don’t hardly know them. I’m not interested. I just want to be left alone,” she said and then headed out toward the diner. She nearly dropped the one glass of ice tea and she saw Kurt’s hands go up as if surrendering and Jack warning him about staying away. Her belly did a series of flips and flops as she approached. Could the Spencer men seriously be threatening the Dawn men over her? No way. She needed to set them all straight.

Danny and Mike were already headed to the corner table, and when she went to place down the ice teas, Jack remained there.

“Those burgers will be out soon,” she told them.

“Thanks, Marlena,” Kurt said and glanced at Jack. She felt Jack place his hand on her shoulder.

“Come on, baby, come over to our table so we can talk,” he said.

She maneuvered her shoulder out of his hand.

“Don’t do that, Jack. Please don’t call me such things. Are you guys here to eat or what?”

“A little of both,” he said and winked. They headed toward the corner table.

Marlena exhaled.

The Dawn brothers chuckled and Jack seemed angry.

She wasn’t certain what was going on. She didn’t get men. She just didn’t understand them. The old Marlena thought every man and woman was nice, truthful, and ready to help. She learned quickly that women could be backstabbers, and men were manipulative and only cared about what they wanted. She’d had the heck scared out of her and nearly died. It made her question people’s sincerity and their offers. It all confused her. Trying to figure out what were word games, or who may or may not be telling the truth. It was a damn miracle she let Adele, Alicia, and Mercedes into her life.

She suddenly felt on edge as she headed over to the Spencer men’s table. Why did they have to be so damn good-looking? So tall, muscular, and just downright incredible. They even smelled good, and those damn blue eyes of theirs did a number on her body. Why couldn’t she just tell them to leave her alone? Maybe ignoring their advances might work for a while, until she figured out how to handle them.

“Can I get you something to drink?” she asked Danny and Mike as Jack sat down at the table.

“Hello to you, too, Marlena,” Mike said and held her gaze.

She felt a twinge of guilt. She was never bitchy, even when she had every damn right to be.

She took a deep breath as she looked away and exhaled. No one else came into the diner yet to sit in her section. She would be caught between the Dawn brothers and the Spencer brothers. Just her luck.

“Hello, Deputy Spencer, what can I get you?” she asked.

“First things first, call me Mike. Drop the formalities, Marlena, we’ve known one another too long to play that game,” he said fiercely. She’d insulted him. She could tell and she went to apologize then bit her lip.

“I don’t play games. Now would you like to order drinks and something to eat, or are you just coming in here to waste my time and mess with your buddies over there?” she asked without even thinking first.

“Hot damn, Marlena, you are darn sexy when you’re all fired up,” Jack said to her and Danny gave his brother a hard nudge. She gasped, felt her cheeks turn hot, and she glanced around, hoping no one heard them. But practically everyone in earshot did. She placed her hand on her hip.

“Drinks or no drinks, Mr., Mr., and Mr. Spencer.”

They looked shocked, and that nearly made her smile. She’d never seen these men get un-composed or appear like they weren’t in charge and setting the pace. She held her ground. Mike held her gaze but spoke to his brothers.

“Danny, you done pissed Marlena off, and that’s not our intention coming here to see her. We missed you, Marlena. We were concerned over the blisters and hoping you were healing well.”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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