Dare to Trust (The Dare 1) - Page 18

He held her gaze and she held his.

“I’m really glad you didn’t throw me out of your house,” he said, and she laughed.


“Back out there on the porch you seemed like you were giving Mike and me the boot. He had to leave, but I just got here.”

“I let you inside, didn’t I?” she asked, lowering her eyes.

“You offered me a drink, that’s being friendly,” he teased back.

She looked at him and he reached out and pressed a hand to her waist.

“We’re not bad men, Marlena. I know we’re older, but that just means we know what we want. We’re not playing any games.”

“I asked you what you wanted.”

“And I gave you a rational answer about commitment, protection, and care. But what my brothers really want is you. All of you.” He pulled her closer, reached up, and cupped her cheek.

“Now, darling, I’m going to kiss you, because I want to, and because I think you want me to, too.”

His lips lowered and she debated about turning away and denying this attraction to him, but she couldn’t, and when his lips touched hers she got lost in it, just like she got lost in Mike’s kiss.

* * * *

Jack was consumed by this petite woman he held in his arms. She tasted so good, and felt even better flush up against his body. He ran his hand along her hip to her ass and squeezed her closer. She pulled back and their lips parted. She was gasping for breath.

“Oh God. Oh,” she said and covered her mouth with her hand. He held her by her hips.

“You are one hell of a kisser, darling. I’ve been dreaming about those lips for months,” he said, and she uncovered her mouth and shook her head.

“You don’t believe me?” he asked and she shook her head again.

“Well you are. I could kiss you for hours. Hell, I could do a lot more than that. You smell edible, and not just like my mama’s cooking either.”

She seemed embarrassed as she gasped and stepped away. She sniffed at the sleeve of her blouse. “Oh God, I must reek of diner food.”

He chuckled. “Like I said, you smell edible.”

“Great. You also said like your mama’s food.”

“Our mama’s a good cook. That’s a compliment.”

“Not after you kiss me and tell me my lips are addicting, that I’m edible, like your mama’s food,” she said, and he laughed aloud. She looked shocked and then she started laughing, too.

“I guess that might come across kind of creepy.”

“Creepy? You’re not kidding,” she said and moved around the counter.

“Okay, so, back to business. Now that we got past the whole denial thing, let’s talk about this kitchen and your ideas.”

“The denial thing?” she asked.

“Sure, darling. You’re denying you’re attracted to my brothers and me. Now we know the feelings are mutual and we can move on from here.”

“Really?” she asked with her hands on her hips, looking so damn sexy he felt his mouth watering.

“Really,” he countered.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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