Dare to Trust (The Dare 1) - Page 19

She walked around closer.

“Well, what if I told you that you made quite the assumption. Perhaps I was caught off guard by both you and Mike’s charms.”

“Our charms? Like what?”

“Like his uniform, a symbol of authority and power, and that thing he does with the one eyebrow raised up and his lip curls slightly. It’s intimidating,” she said, imitating Mike.

He chuckled. “You do a Mike impression pretty good.”

She blushed and lowered her eyes.

“And me?”

“You’re older, more experienced, and have a way with words. It gets me all confused and I don’t know how to react.”

He pulled her closer by her hands and placed them up on his shoulders as he sat at the barstool by the counter.

“It’s called shock and awe, baby. Just you wait until Danny gets you alone.”

Her mouth dropped open and she stuttered.

“Danny? I don’t even know how I feel about kissing Mike and then you in the same day.”

“You’ll get used to all three of us kissing you, sometimes at the same time, with our lips exploring every inch of you.”

She gasped and he pulled her closer and kissed her until she was limp in his arms. When he finally had his fill and felt that he got his message across, he dipped her slightly and stared down into her gorgeous green eyes as she held onto his shoulders.

“You’re going to be our woman. You’re going to learn to trust us as we learn to trust you. Now don’t be scared. Follow your heart. I dare you to.”

Chapter 5

Marlena couldn’t help the exciting feeling she had inside all day long. She was going to start the kitchen project, but really she was excited and nervous about seeing the guys. She didn’t know who would be coming over to help her today.

As she stopped by the counter where Adele was having a late lunch, she asked her another question about the Spencer men, and then Marlena asked her something too.

“So you think you can trust them? I mean to be alone with them in your house?” she asked.

Marlena worried her bottom lip and glanced around at the last few tables of the day.

“I think I can. I don’t know. I’m just hoping they take things slowly and that I’ll have the chance to run if I need to. I didn’t expect them to be so persuasive. I really enjoyed talking with Jack yesterday. He was easy to talk to.”

“And what about Mike? He can be intimidating with that serious expression he always has. He was in the military. You have to remember that men like that are resourceful.”

Marlena exhaled. “I know. I could hardly sleep last night.”

“I could imagine. But they seem like good men. How do their parents feel about them liking you?” Adele asked.

“I don’t know. They haven’t said anything.”

“How about Danny? Do you think he’ll be there to help you today and try to kiss you like his brothers did?” Adele winked.

Marlena chuckled and placed her hand over her heart. “Oh God please, Adele, I still don’t know what to think of this or even if I want to take this chance. I’m a nervous wreck.”

She heard the bell chime and Adele smiled. Marlena headed back to the kitchen for another order. She looked at the slip then checked the plates.

“You okay, Marlena?” Rita asked her. “You seem a little frazzled today.”

“I’m okay, ma’am. Thank you,” she said.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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