Dare to Trust (The Dare 1) - Page 20

“If my sons are putting any pressure on you, or making you feel uncomfortable, then you let me know,” Rita said to her.

“Rita.” Roy said her name and gave her a stern expression. Rita pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and smiled.

Marlena wasn’t sure how to take the fact that Roy interrupted his wife and seemed to be reprimanding her.

“Marlena.” Regan said her name as he approached.

She held his gaze, feeling a little nervous.

“Honey, my wife worries about you, and she worries about her sons. You’re a good worker, a sweet young woman. We’re happy that our sons are staking a claim. We just want you to know that we’re here for you, too. Rita especially, if you have any questions regarding this type of relationship. You’re fairly new to Chance, and things might seem a bit different here, but they work out just fine.”

“I appreciate that, sir.”

“Regan. How many times do we have to tell you to call us by our first names. We’re working here together as a team. Got it?” he asked and smiled.

“Got it. Thank you. I’d better get this food out there.”

“Sure thing.”

Marlena felt a little

less uptight and a lot more encouraged by Regan’s words. Truth was she didn’t know much about these ménage relationships. Just what Mercedes explained and what she heard around town. Maybe she would ask the men. That would give her a better understanding.

As she delivered the food to her last table of the day, Adele waved good-bye, wished her luck, and gave her a hug. Marlena cringed when she heard the bell above the door ring. She thought she was done for the day. But the expression on Adele’s face surprised her. Adele smiled.

“Looks like you’ll be finding out how good of a kisser brother number three is. Good luck.” She turned around and headed out the door saying hello and good-bye to Danny. Marlena locked gazes with him.

“Hey, beautiful,” he said and eyed her over.

She placed her hands on her hips. “Hello, Mr. Spencer, counter or table?” she asked.

He looked around the place and stepped closer. “Counter where I’ll wait for you to finish up so we can head to your place.”

She raised one of her eyebrows up at him.

He gave her hips a tap. “To start the kitchen project. Get that mind out of the gutter, girl. I’ve got standards,” he said and headed toward the counter, leaving her blushing and feeling turned on by him. She was in a heap of trouble.

* * * *

Marlena excused herself to get changed in the bedroom while Danny got things started in the kitchen. When she came out he was unscrewing the cabinet doors from the hinges and organizing the pieces.

“Okay, so what do we do first?” she asked and he smiled. He was waiting for this since talking to his brothers last night. He approached, looking at her in her skinny blue jeans and a black T-shirt with the V-neck that accentuated her large breasts. She was so petite and smelled so good even at the diner where she smelled like food. He approached her, wrapped an arm around her waist, and held her close. “First we need to get one major detail out of the way.”

“What’s that?” she asked, holding on to his forearms.

“Our first of many kisses,” he said and leaned down and swept his mouth over hers. He kissed her deeply and when she moved her arms around his shoulders and kissed him back, he rejoiced inside. She wanted him, too. She was interested in this relationship between the four of them.

As he slowly pulled back, her eyes were still closed and then they fluttered open.

“Wow,” she whispered.

“Wow, yourself, beautiful. Your kisses are addicting,” he said and then kissed her lips gently and pulled back. He gave her ass a tap. “Now, back to work. Let’s start with taking off the doors and keeping the screws and hinges together so we don’t lose them for later when we put these back on.”

She nodded her head and went right into working along with him. He hadn’t done anything like this with a woman ever in his life. Nor had he ever met a woman who didn’t mind working with her hands or breaking a nail. Marlena was his kind of woman.

* * * *

The music was playing and she was chuckling at a joke that Danny had made. They were covered with dust from sanding down the cabinets and then wiping away the dust.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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