Town of Chance: Believing in Love (The Dare 7) - Page 32

“Can I remove these plates or are you still working on your meals?” the waiter asked as he interrupted the conversation.

Lynch watched as Eliza Grace said she was finished and needed to use the ladies’ room.

“We’re done and we’ll take the check,” Tazer said to the waiter. He nodded and began to clear the plates. Lynch and his brothers watched Eliza Grace stand up and Tazer had to get up so she could leave the table. Lynch saw the waiter look at her too. It bothered him. But then he watched her make her way through the restaurant and past the bar and saw the attention she drew.

“I’ll wait for her by the hallway,” Lynch said and stood up, throwing his napkin down on the table.

“We’ll get the SUV’s started,” Burker said.

“Meet us at the house,” Tazer said to Parker and Burker.

“We’re taking her there now?” Burker asked.

“Yes. She needs to get comfortable being alone with us. Lynch and I will take her in our SUV. We’ll be there in a few minutes,” he said then paid the bill. Lynch heard Tazer tell them and he hurried to meet Eliza Grace.

* * * *

Eliza grabbed onto the sink in the bathroom and stared at herself in the mirror. Her cheeks were flushed, her nipples so freaking hard they pushed against the tight top she wore. It was a classy, pretty outfit that was totally her style. She fell in love with it after one of the shoots and the designer. Since then she bought several of her outfits and noticed that a few of the lingerie designs mimicked the same style.

She stood up and washed her hands, dried them and then looked at herself in the small full-length mirror. She felt she looked pretty, not sexy or provocative. But the Hayes brothers looked at her like they could eat her up with their eyes. Lynch especially was so dark and mysterious, hard, maybe angry and indescribable. It made her so freaking nervous. My God, she was shaking, yet her pussy felt swollen and needy. She wanted to feel them touching her everywhere. She wanted to let go and trust them and let them do whatever they wanted to do with her and it was scary. But it was also appealing. Could she let go and be intimate with them?

Were they the right men to give her virginity to? Would they respect that she was a virgin or would they think she was even more immature because she was?

They were being so protective and asking so many questions. She knew she needed to come clean. To tell them about Luther’s and about college and her stupid bucket list. Tonight she needed to.

She took a deep breath and prepared herself for what came next. But as she exited the bathroom and saw Lynch standing there looking so big, so sexy and firm, she faltered and stopped where she was.

“Ready?” he asked firmly, nearly in a barking tone.

As she went to nod he took her hand and pulled her along. She hurried with him, trying not to trip as she kept up with his long strides.

“Where are the others?” she asked, her voice cracking. His abruptness was arousing her more and as he got to the big black SUV and opened the back door she saw Tazer behind the wheel.

Before she could step up onto the side step to get in, Lynch lifted her up and placed her onto the seat.

He slammed the door closed, his heavy thick thigh hit hers and she went to slide over but he reached over and lifted her onto his lap.

“Oh. Lynch,” she squealed, shocked at his move.

“I can’t take it any longer. Not the looks from other men, not talking about you posing in bikinis or lingerie. I want you all to myself. I want you period,” he said and kissed her deeply.

She felt the SUV speed up and make some fast turns.

Lynch explored her mouth with his tongue and then spread his thighs so she fell between them. Her legs widened and he moved his hand up between them, shocking her. She was on fire despite the taste of beer on his breath and the flash of a reminder of college and when she was attacked and how that smell of beer consumed her nostrils as the multiple hands touched her, lips forcibly kissed her and nails scraped her skin as they ripped her clothing.

When she felt Lynch’s fingers graze her panties she pulled from his mouth and tried sitting up.

“Lynch, wait,” she said and he hugged her to him.

“I’m sorry. God, I’m sorry if I scared you. I just want you so badly, baby. I can’t stand to think of you with any

one else but me and my brothers. You’re so beautiful,” he said and kissed her again and hugged her.

She knew she wasn’t afraid of him. She was letting the fear from her past get in the way.

He released her lips and she lifted up. He eased her upward, helping her. He looked sad, embarrassed maybe and he began to move her to the seat next to him.

“No. Like this,” she said and grabbed onto his shoulders and straddled his waist. He massaged her skirt upward so she could sit and she held onto his shoulders and stared him in the eyes.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025