Town of Chance: Believing in Love (The Dare 7) - Page 33

She took a few unsteady breaths.

“You and your brothers wanted to know why I kept away from you guys. Why I couldn’t accept your guardianship or to get this close to you and just let go?”

“Yes,” he said.

“Yes,” Tazer mimicked from the front seat.

She hadn’t forgotten he was there. She was fine with that. With knowing he drove while his brother seduced her. It added to the thrill of it all.

“I assumed that Kenneth told you about what happened to me in college. But it’s obvious he didn’t. That he respected my wishes to keep it quiet.”

She felt the tears fill her eyes. He reached up and cupped her one cheek and squinted at her.

“Tell us,” he whispered.

She swallowed.

“I was attacked, at a party. Five drunk college guys dragged me into a room and planned on gang raping me.”


She saw the instant show of anger on his face. The way he bit the inside of his cheek and the way his hands felt more snug against her.

He swallowed hard. She heard him and watched him stutter to ask the next question.

She shook her head.

“They weren’t successful.”

She felt the SUV stop. She heard the engine stop and then a moment later the side door opened. Tazer leaned over the doorframe.

“This is why you finished college online? Why you moved to that apartment just last year and had been living with your dad up until last year?” Tazer asked.

“I wasn’t quite ready to live alone.”

“What’s going on?” Parker asked.

“Let’s go inside and talk,” Lynch said to her and she nodded her head and went to move but he squeezed her against him.

He slid along the seat and they got out. She felt the warm summer air against her ass and knew her skirt was lifted to her waist as he carried her inside of their house. She hugged him tight, found comfort in his size and his strength as his brothers followed them. She couldn’t believe she was in their home, and as her eyes absorbed the size of the upscale mansion she was in awe.

“Oh God, this is huge,” she said to them.

“Welcome to our home, Eliza Grace,” Tazer said as he leaned against her back, moved her hair away from her neck and kissed her skin. She closed her eyes and relished in the feel of being sandwiched between these two large men, and then she felt Tazer’s palms caress along her hips. His fingers curled around her thin panties as he squeezed her hips. She could sense how large his hands were against her hips and ass and it made her part her lips and shiver.

She wanted more, but then she felt him release his hold and then Lynch carried her into their large living room.

He sat down on the couch. It was leather in a light beige color. There were lots of masculine colored pillows and even a stone fireplace done up with rustic décor. A copper pot, a set of copper fireplace tools and various types of ornate pottery she was surprised to see. They had bold colors and brought out the deep burgundy in the curtains against the windows and the floral arrangement in the center of the coffee table. It looked like something that came from a magazine, and she had a feeling they had a personal designer create the style they wanted.

Lynch cupped her cheek and jaw with one hand. Even that move stimulated her senses and intimidated her at the same time.

“Tell us about your fears and about this attempted gang rape in college.”

“What?” Burker asked and she didn’t turn to look at him. Instead she repeated what she started to say in the SUV and then explained the rest.

“It was a large house party at one of the sorority houses. Everyone had been drinking a lot and my friends and I arrived late. There was this group of guys who were being rowdy and trying to get me to talk with them and drink with them. I refused. But when I went to use the bathroom and some friends waited down the hallway, there was all this chaos going on in the rooms and people were cheering for this hockey team that just arrived after winning a huge game and two of the guys grabbed me.” She swallowed hard and felt the tears emerge. She needed to tell them so they would understand her fears and help her get through this.

Lynch caressed her thighs and held her gaze.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025