Town of Chance: Believing in Love (The Dare 7) - Page 45

“Eliza Grace, you’re gorgeous. The camera loves you and so does everyone who views your photographs. Never change a thing. You’re perfect. Now go put on the pale pink shimmering two-piece and the sheer overlay. We’re going to set up right here on the dock by these two boats.” She looked at the first boat, a classic mahogany runabout with only one medium size seat in the front. It was stunning and shiny, all cleaned up for the shoot. Beside it sat an Aage Nielsen Yawl, a sailboat looking shiny and ready to be sailed. It was old, a collector’s piece and she couldn’t help but feel excited about posing on it.

She walked over to the clothing rack and took the two-piece behind the makeshift changing area. Liz was there to assist her and to bring along accessories as well as fix her hair.

The moment Eliza placed her hands on the first boat she was in her role, posing, shifting, looking up toward the sky or straight at the camera in a sexy pose. The light breeze blew her sheer cover but she didn’t move. Ken gave her directions of “stay still, keep that pose, beautiful, gorgeous” and she felt perfect.

“Damn, those were great. We got more than enough. Let’s move to the sailboat, and then we’ll head to the yacht. I’ve got some great ideas for those shots there,” Ken told her. She smiled and then headed to the changing area to put on the next bathing suit.

An hour later they were relocating the changing station and Liz, Kelly, Mia and Eliza headed along the dock.

“Holy God, please tell me it’s that one,” Kelly whispered as the very large yacht came into view. They saw the boat crew dressed in white and Ken’s crew was loading up bags and other items.

“Ken, what are we doing?” Eliza asked.

He smiled. “Big surprise, we’re going out on the boat. We’re going to get some shots with the water in the background, and even take along another boat to do shots from along the side too. This boat belongs to Clarissa’s friend and he’s thinking of selling it to upgrade. He wants pictures to be able to post,” Ken said to her.

“Who is this guy and is he single?” Kelly asked and Mia chuckled.

“Don’t know but he’s looking for the perfect shot and the perfect model. So do your best, all of you,” Ken said to them.

Kelly and Mia were elated. Eliza shook her head and chuckled. Both women were a little older than her and a bit on the wild side. They would pose in the nude if Ken asked them to. She had to admit, she was curious about who the owner was as well, and approached the stairs leading up to the boat. It sure was big. As she went to step up a man in white, a crew member, took her hand. “Good morning, Miss.”

“Good morning,” she replied as he assisted her. Once she got onto the boat she was excited too and wanted to see the whole thing.

“We’ll take a small tour and decide on some inside shot locations as the crew gets things set up.”

“Where do we change, Ken?” Mia asked.

“We’ll set up in one of the cabins below. For now the crew will bring your bags down below,” Ken said as Mia and Kelly took pictures with their cell phones and even selfies. Eliza thought about taking one too and sending it to her men and then felt a little weird doing that. She didn’t want them to be worried about her out on a boat and things had just gotten started and maybe texting them so early would make her seem desperate and clingy. She opted to not do that and followed Ken.

As they came around the middle of the boat with the other women she saw the man dressed in a white button down shirt, khaki shorts, boat shoes and wearing a hat. He looked big and muscular and as the soft wind blew his shirt parted, revealing muscular abs. The last few buttons were undone and the man looked like a model.

“Whoa,” she heard Mia whisper and Kelly cleared her throat but Eliza Grace was shocked as the man turned and she saw it was Si.

He smiled softly, more like smirked at them as Ken introduced himself and Si shook his hand.

“Hello ladies,” he said to them, enjoying looking over each of them but then he looked right at Eliza Grace.

“Ahh, Eliza Grace, so we meet again,” he said, taking her hand and bringing it to his lips to kiss. She heard the women make some snarky noises and they retreated toward the front of the boat as if they decided it wasn’t worth trying to flirt.

“Si, what are you doing here?” she asked him as he let her hand go. He looked her over and she pulled the sheer cover up tighter against her skin.

“This is my boat,” he told her and she was shocked.

“Seriously?” she asked and looked around.

“It’s gorgeous and so big. I’ve never been on anything like it before,” she told him and he looked out toward the water.

“That’s a shame. Perhaps we can do something to change that,” he said and she felt a little uncomfortable but then Ken cleared his throat and interrupted.

“Eliza Grace, we’re going to set up on the lower deck to take a few shots before we set sail. Liz will pull out a few choices of attire.”

“Okay, Ken,” she said and glanced at Si who looked annoyed at the interruption. But she was working. He was definitely a man used to being in charge and giving orders, but something about him seemed dark and put her on edge.

She decided not to say a word to him before she walked away. She figured if he was still being flirty the best thing to do would be to ignore him.

A little while later Ken was positioning her on the edge of the back of the boat, as she leaned back and he adjusted the dress she wore. It was gorgeous and light as a feather, the sheer material in pink, cream and beige danced in the breeze, as did her hair as she leaned back and pushed her chest forward. She felt the slight ache in her arms from holding the position.

“Now lift the one leg and press the heel onto the ledge. A nice leg shot. There we go,” he said to her and as she lifted the dress parted further, nearly to her upper groin. “Gorgeous, Eliza Grace. Absolutely gorgeous, love it. We’re set, you can relax,” Ken told her and he looked at the pictures on the small screen, blocking the sun with his hand as his assistant looked on too.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025