Town of Chance: Believing in Love (The Dare 7) - Page 46

“Let me take some of Kelly and Mia and then we’ll move upstairs as the crew sets sail,” he told them.

Eliza Grace smiled at Mia and Kelly as they told her she looked gorgeous. She stood there and watched Ken taking more pictures of Kelly and then Mia. Both women looked amazing, Mia with her long black hair and Kelly with her blonde hair pulled up in a fancy style that made her look sophisticated and wealthy.

/> “Eliza Grace, we can get you set up with the next few outfits,” Liz said to her and she followed her along the side of the boat to inside where the cabins were. Eliza was so impressed with the yacht. It had a full bar, a living room and sitting area and then four separate bedrooms, each bigger than her apartment bedroom.

She stepped inside and Liz placed the various outfits down on the bed.

Thirty minutes later she was posing in the dresses, the sexy one pieces that blew in the wind as the boat cruised along the water, and then in a bikini. She saw Si watching her and the other models and then he would say things to Ken and Ken would reposition all of them one by one.

Eliza was feeling a little light-headed as she headed toward the cabin to take a break. She saw Si and he looked her over.

“You look amazing out there. No wonder you prefer modeling over singing, although your voice is beautiful too,” he said to her and she gave a small smile as she gripped the railing.

“Eliza?” He said her name and then reached for her waist. He held her in place and her eyes popped open.

“Are you okay?”

“I think I need to drink. I’m feeling dizzy. It has to be from the sun.”

He called out to someone as he guided her to a chair to sit down. She leaned back and a moment later he was bringing a cold glass of water to her lips. She took a sip and then waited for her head to stop spinning.

“Try some lemon too, and then iced tea,” he told her and she felt him caressing her hair from her cheek.

She opened her eyes and willed the dizziness away. “Sorry. We’ve been at this since eight thirty and it’s hot out there,” she told him then took another sip of water. The more she drank the better she felt.

“You haven’t stopped at all. You need to take breaks and eat a little something and stay hydrated too. It’s important,” he said to her and then stroked her cheek with his finger. She looked away from him and sat forward.

“Don’t run off. Take the time to recover. Don’t you get a break?” he asked her, looking at her firmly.

“Right now.”

“Then eat. I have a bunch of things available. Clarissa told me what to have on board for the crew and the models. Want a sandwich, a salad with grilled chicken, some fruit, cookies?” he asked and she chuckled.

“I’ll go help myself. Let me just drink some more,” she said and started to feel better. She should know better than to be out in the sun and not drink water. She was so into the shoot and posing on the yacht that she never took a water bottle. They were right there at her disposal but she was consumed with doing the perfect shoot for Ken.

“You work very hard. Does modeling for such a small organization pay well?” he asked her.

“It pays fine,” she said and continued to drink the water. Her head was clearing and she knew once she ate she would be a hundred percent better.

“Every consider working for a larger company or becoming a super model?” he asked her.

“Too short. It’s amazing that I get as many modeling jobs that I do. I’m not even considered average height.”

“That’s so ridiculous. You’re gorgeous and the camera loves you. It’s so natural how you pose and adjust as Ken tells you little things. Most of the time you don’t even need any direction.”

She smiled. “Thanks. I love doing this.”

He stared at her and she knew he liked her and that he was interested. He went to reach for her hand and she scooted away from him.

“Any chance you’d consider singing again at Luther’s?” he asked her.

“I don’t think so.”

“That’s a shame. He could use the help. I heard he lost another singer yesterday and is in a bind for Friday night. He gave you a shot when there were other people who had been waiting for one. None of them seem to compare to you and your voice. Luther told me that,” he added.

She was surprised and she felt badly. “Well, he hasn’t called to ask for help Friday.”

“So you would consider it? To help him this one time?”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025