Town of Chance: Believing in Love (The Dare 7) - Page 47

“I don’t know, and he hasn’t called. I’d better go eat and then head back. Thank you for the water.”

“You’re welcome, Eliza Grace. It was my pleasure,” he said to her and took her hand to assist her up from the couch. She glanced at him before she walked out of the room and toward the kitchen and eating area.

She had a funny feeling in her belly, and it only got worse as the day went on, and Si would appear watching her. By the time they finished up the shoot, it was getting dark, and all she could think about was a hot bath and bed, and of course seeing her men once again.

* * * *

Si called Luther. “I think she’ll come to the bar if you call her and tell her that you’re desperate for her help. Do like we planned and get her there to sing.”

“Are you sure about this? I noticed some unfamiliar faces coming around the place. Some local detective came here asking about a missing girl. I think it was one of the new ones that you had training in the back room last week.”

“What did you tell him?”

“That hundreds of people come through this place and there was no way I would remember each one. He seemed to buy it. But still, we’ve never had any cops, detectives come in here and ask questions,” Luther told him.

“You’re right, we haven’t. But considering what’s been going on it may be time to cut out everything entirely. Make Friday night the last training session. Be careful who the bartenders let into the back room. It seems like I’ll be closing up shop around here and heading out sooner than I thought. Make the call and let me know when he says yes.”

He disconnected the call and then sighed. This was it. The operation was going to have to close down. He wondered who the sons of bitches were that were causing all this shit. He would get to the bottom of this, and maybe another couple of retired soldiers and cops were going to get killed before he packed up and left town for good.

* * * *

Eliza Grace was so tired as she ran the hot bath and texted the guys. They insisted that she come to their place where they would run a bath and help her to relax.

By the time she pulled into their driveway, she felt spent. But all four men were there to greet her and upon seeing her Tazer lifted her up into his arms and carried her inside.

“Damn, you look exhausted. Tell us what you need and we’ll help,” he said to her.

“A hot bath and water, food, whatever. It was a long day,” she told him and kissed his neck as he carried her inside. They brought her to their bedroom and she heard Parker say he was running the water in the tub as Burker got her a bottle of cold water and Lynch brought some fruit and cheese.

She stood in front of Tazer and he cupped her cheeks. “You need rest, you look like you’re going to pass out any minute.”

She gave a soft smile. “I’ll be better once I soak a bit and get some food and more water in me. I nearly got dehydrated today and haven’t felt right since,” she told him.

He squinted his eyes at her. “Don’t they watch out for you and make sure you have enough fluids when you’re shooting in the sun all day?”

“They do but I kind of get so into the shoot that I forget to.”

He raised one of his eyebrows at her. “You need to be more careful. Got it?” he asked.

“Got it,” she said and he pressed his lips to hers and kissed her. It instantly made her feel better. Once he released her lips she started to undo the buttons on her blouse.

“Bath is all set,” Parker told her.

“We got the fruit and the water,” Lynch told her. Tazer helped her to get undressed and when she was completely naked he kissed her breasts then her belly as he held her hips and she held onto his head.

When the hands landed on her shoulders and began to massage her, she closed her eyes and moaned.

“Oh God, that feels so good,” she said and they chuckled.

“Poor thing. Let’s get you in that tub to soak and then we’ll give you a nice massage before we go downstairs to eat,” Burker told her and she smiled at him. She looked over her shoulder at Lynch, who continued to massage her shoulders and her back.

Tazer lifted her up into his arms, surprising her as he carried her into the bathroom.

Sure enough, candles were lit, the tub full of water and bubbles and a tray of berries and cheese sat on the side along with a few bottles of water.

Tazer set her down into the hot water, instantly soothing her aching muscles and making her feel relaxed. She moaned some more.

“Damn, baby, you keep moaning like that and you’ll get company in that tub,” Burker teased.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025