Dare to Succeed (The Dare 2) - Page 46

Alicia moaned and shook.

“Fuck she’s coming. Our woman likes a nice spanking, Max,” Monroe told their brother.

“More than a cock in her ass?” Max teased then began to squeeze some lube into her ass before he thrust a finger then a second finger.

“Oh God, Max, please. Please.”

Smack, smack, smack.

“Oh,” she moaned aloud.

“It’s coming, baby. You want more of this?” Max asked and began to thrust two fingers in and out of her ass as Monroe thrust up and down into her pussy.

“More. More, Max,” she said and pushed back against his fingers.

Max leaned forward and nipped her ass cheek. One then the next and she shifted to the side he nipped.

He ran his hands along her thighs, spreading them wider. Then he pulled his fingers from her ass and leaned over her.

“You took your spanking like a good girl, now I’ve got your reward.”

He aligned his cock with her anus and slowly began to push into her ass. Caldwell watched and leaned closer as he brushed her hair from her face and brought his cock to her lips.

She opened immediately, appearing hungry and needy for more cock.

Her warm breath hit his sensitive flesh. She moaned as Max thrust balls deep into her ass and then it began. In and out they stroked their cocks into their woman, claiming her, loving her, and conquering that savage need to claim what was rightfully theirs. As she willingly gave all of herself to them and accepted their dominance, he couldn’t help but to feel that they were empowering her, too. They were building her confidence, daring her to succeed in all of her dreams and wishes, because they would back her up, protect her, and ultimately love her because she completed them like no one ever before.

* * * *

Alicia was getting dressed after her shower. She wanted to meet Caldwell and Monroe in town for lunch and then to go to the construction site to check out the process of the buildings. All the legal documents were signed and the three of them were partners in her business. They would hold her mortgage and she would pay them monthly. They couldn’t sell the building without her okay and they would help her with advertising and promoting her work with the option of being full partners if things took off as they hoped.

She was feeling pretty damn good and she was going to meet their mom and dads tonight as well. She felt a little nervous as she slipped on her pretty pink skirt and camisole then slipped on her sandals. Things were great and would only get better.

She heard her cell phone ring and assumed it was Max. He was always checking up on her.


“Where the hell have you been? How come you haven’t returned any of our calls?” Tony asked her, yelling into the phone.

She panicked and then the idea hit her.

“Oh, I moved and I’m going to be getting a new number, too, so there’s no need to contact me ever again.”

“What? You can’t do that. What about Alvin? He’s your brother.”

“Well, you two seem to care so much about one another, you can take care of him and stay in touch with him. Good-bye, Tony, and good riddance.” She disconnected the call and then she screamed out in joy and fist-pumped like Mercedes did all the time when she was excited and pumped.

She tossed the phone down and then thought about what she should do next. Call Max and tell him what she did? Get a new cell phone number? She thought about it. She was a different woman now. Thanks to Max, Caldwell, and Monroe. She didn’t have to tell them about this phone call. Tony and Alvin were done as far as she was concerned. She moved on for the better, and they could go to hell.

She grabbed her purse and applied her lip-gloss. She was going to meet her men and be excited over her new store and all the work ahead of her. This was her dream and thanks to the love and support of Monroe, Max, and Caldwell, it was going to be a reality.

* * * *

“She did what?” Alvin asked as Tony filled him in on the phone call.

“She’s seeing someone. I know she is,” Tony said in anger.

“Who could she be seeing? She’s weak and waiting on you.”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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