Dare to Succeed (The Dare 2) - Page 47

“No, she isn’t. Have you looked into that town where she was staying? It’s not normal there. They do things there we’re not used to and nor is Alicia. It’s like a cult.”

“What the hell are you talking about, Tony?”

“They share women there, Alvin. Two, three, four, even five men to one woman.”

“What the hell? Are you serious? How long have you known this?”

“I just found out the other day. I’ve been debating about going there and talking to her. But I think we need to do something more drastic to save her.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean sneak in and take her out of there without the men who are trying to use her knowing. They’ll have their way with her body. They’ll do things to her and she’ll never be the same woman again. I’m going to have to do this.”

“Maybe it’s too late? I mean if she is already involved in this type of thing then it could be over.”

“It can’t be over. I need her,” Tony said and then looked at the documents on his desk. He needed Alicia’s signature so he could get all the money for himself. He’d pushed off the lawyers for long enough. He had fun with other women and playing the field, but it was time to secure his treasure, cash in on the money invested. He needed her signature and consent and then he would send her off, but not before he took her one last time. If she liked three or four men fucking her at once then he would enjoy the time he had with her so she would never forget what she could have had with him.

He smiled to himself. She was weak and easily manipulated by him. The stupid woman loved him and all because he had her first.

“What do you need from me, Tony?”

“Don’t worry about it, Alvin. I’ll take care of everything like always.”

* * * *

“I was thinking that maybe over here you could set up your studio so you get the rays of the sun, the natural light from across the way,” Monroe told her as they walked around the construction site and what would be her storefront very soon.

“Plus, by having the corner unit, the largest one in the strip, you have access to additional windows where you can display your pieces,” Caldwell added and pointed to the sidewall that was loaded with windows. She was so excited as she imagined her pieces on display, the natural light shining through them and reflecting around the room and into the street.

She walked toward Caldwell and hugged him tight. He caressed her lower back and then chuckled as the rumble tickled her skin that was against his chest.

“I think she likes it,” he said to Monroe.

She felt the hand on her shoulder then the caress to her hair. She looked up into Monroe’s eyes.

“I think she likes it, too.”

She pulled from Caldwell and then hugged Monroe.

“Of course I love it. Who wouldn’t?”

She pulled back and looked around the room. It was so big.

“What’s wrong?” Max asked, standing there with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth.

“It’s very big. Do I really need all this space?”

“You will with a sitting area and coffee and snack bar over here,” Monroe told her.

“What?” she asked.

“Don’t you worry, we’ve got it covered,” he added.

“People like to browse and shop, but they also want a reason to linger and get absorbed in your creations. They can sit here for quite some time in amazement of your work. So what better way to entice them in and make them stay and purchase your pieces then to provide gourmet coffees and locally made desserts?” Caldwell asked.

“I can’t do that, too. There wouldn’t be enough time and I can’t afford to hire someone to do that right now, maybe months from now, and that’s if this takes off. Oh God, this is too much. I don’t think I can handle this.” She started to panic. Literally panic as her chest tightened and she bent forward.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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