Dare to Forgive (The Dare 3) - Page 18

What really concerned Leo was the guy who was bothering Adel, and who he was and why she hadn’t sought out help? Was it an ex-boyfriend? Did he live nearby? Would he come find her and hurt her? He didn’t know and the not knowing was driving him crazy.

He glanced at her, absorbed the scent of her shampoo, the fragility and femininity she seemed to emit. It made him feel protective, and if he weren’t careful he might say something or do something to offend her or scare her because of this other guy. It was like walking on eggshells but not knowing why. He had to force his thoughts away from that and focus on being with Adel and letting her get used to him and his brothers being close. After all, she wasn’t swatting them away or verbally telling them to take a hike. He would take his chances.

He placed his arm behind Adel’s shoulders and she leaned back against him. That little show of acceptance brought his arousal higher and damn it his possessive protective meter up a notch. She would be theirs. He was hopeful.

Will placed his hand on her thigh as they sat in front of the fire just listening to music. Some of the others were talking in low voices. Monroe was kissing Alicia’s neck as Caldwell held her hand on his lap.

Danny held Marlena on his lap as Mike and Jack spoke softly to Mercedes and Taylor. It was peaceful and one of the reasons why he and his brothers enjoyed living in Chance. These were all good friends. They would do anything for them. He wondered if Adel’s friends knew about the guy bothering her or even the sheriff.

His concern for her well-being was making him antsy. He turned toward her as the others started talking about calling it a night. That was fine with him. Some alone time at Adel’s place would be perfect.

He leaned closer and kissed her cheek then whispered into her ear.

“Everyone is starting to pack up. We’ll give you a ride back to your place, then we can talk some more.”

She nodded her head and he winked at Will, who got up then offered a hand to Adel. She took it and when Will pulled her up he wrapped her in his arms and kissed her softly on the lips. It was a quick kiss but at least Adel didn’t pull away.

Everyone said good night, and Mercedes asked if Adel was okay with Leo and Will driving her home, and they assured her they would take care of her. As everyone said good-bye and hugged, kissed, talked about doing this again, Leo felt content. These were the kinds of things Will, Leo and Hank wanted to do all the time.

They had been so wrapped up in themselves, and more recently, trying to get Adel out of their heads, that they missed out on some good times with friends. Hopefully this was the beginning of more good times.

“My dress is still damp. Can I give you your shirt back when we get to the cottage?” she asked.

He looked at her wearing his T-shirt and he smiled. It was practically to her knees. “Darling, you can wear my shirt as long as you want to. You look incredible in it.” She blushed and shyly looked away as Will took her hand and led her to their truck.

The ride back to her place was short. When they got to her front door she turned around and stopped them.

“I think we should call it a night,” she said and lowered her eyes.

He felt disappointed.

“It’s still early and we want to talk more,” Will told her as he took her hand and caressed her arm, stepping up close to her. He kissed her neck then her shoulder, tickling her. She chuckled and gave him a light shove against his shoulder.

“Just for a little while. To say good night properly,” Will added.

She released a small breath and then turned to unlock the front door.

They walked inside and could feel how warm it was in there.

“Damn, baby, it’s like a sauna in here.”

“I’m sorry, there’s no AC in this room, only in the bedroom.”

“Oh yeah, I want to see my brother’s handiwork,” Will said and they walked down the hallway.

“Nice,” Will stated as he looked at the ceiling fan. Leo could feel the immediate difference in temperature in this room and the AC was on very low.

She walked over to adjust it.

“Want the fan

on, too?” Will asked, reaching for the pull chord.

“Sure, that way it will be nice and cool in here for sleeping tonight.”

She went to walk toward the door but Will pulled her close.

“Did you have fun with us today?” he asked.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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